Dogs are the only animal on earth who loves you more than he himself. I have two dogs at my home, although they both are opponents of each other. But when I enter a home they come together to take a treat from me. That’s their beauty which I always love. Their unconditional love always makes me forget every concern. And, the story I’m going to tell you is about the Street Dog whose name I gave “Luna”, and her Unconditional Love.

My love for the dogs grew up more that night when I was returning back from Delhi to my hometown and I was leaning on the bridge. I was so tired and waiting for my bus and then suddenly a street dog “luna” came near me and then she leans over me. Lanky body, striving for food, had multiple wounds on his body, seem liked someone had beaten him by pelting stones. In a couple of minutes, we both became a friend and I noticed that she was a female pregnant dog and seems hungry, although I had not much any supper at that time.

In fact, we both enjoyed my mom’s hand cooked food, and luckily she liked that. She didn’t leave me until my bus arrived then we both left. It’s like the ending scene of “Life of Pi” But that 15 minutes of gratitude she showed to me was exceptional that I can’t fully express. It’s a special kind of feeling that I’ll always carry throughout my life.

Dogs are not only made for just entertain you but in several areas of the world, they are worshiped also.

How are Dogs treated in India?

In India:- Dogs are worshiped in Hinduism. The name of the dog “God” is Bhairava. Dogs are worshiped for their loyalty and ability to protect. The most common worship of the Dog is through an aspect of Lord Shiva, called Kaala Bhairava.

There is a tradition of feeding black dogs on Saturday so that they will kill the evils eye.  Yudhishthira (Character from the Indian mythological book “Mahabharata”) had approached heaven with his dog, therefore among many Hindus, the common belief exists that caring for or adopting dogs can also pave the way to heaven. Dogs are also shown in the background in the iconography of Hindu deities like Dattatreya, many times dogs are also shown in the background in the iconography of deities like Khandoba.

How are Dogs treated in Nepal?

IN NEPAL:- Nepal has a different way and perspective for Dogs. Nepal’s dog-worshiping tradition comes from Hindu mythology as I mentioned above. Nepal’s tradition has shown faith and love for dogs. They worship Dogs on the second day of Diwali named kukur tihar.

On that day the pooches(slang for dog) of all kinds, strays, and pets are showered with flowers, adorned with garlands, and tilak or gulal(colored powder) is applied on their forehead. After a ceremonial puja, they are treated with milk, eggs, meat, dog food, or anything they like. Now Mexico has also adopted Nepal’straditon

“A dog will teach you, unconditional love. If you can have that in your life, things won’t be too bad”

Robert Wagner (actor, The Longest Day)

Dogs are loyal than Humans

Well, there are many breeds available in the market and have a high price. But Is this not racism? What about the dogs who live on the streets? Don’ they need our love? Or are they of low quality?

Are stray Dogs a major problem in India?

There are around 35 million dogs wandering on the streets, and the number of street dogs increased by around 17% since 2016. The majority of them are living tough lives, scavenging for food from the garbage, and possibly spreading the diseases. But that isn’t their fault.

Most are native Indian breeds, like the South Asian pariah dog or Rajapalayam hound, so they’re often called “indie” dogs a kinder term used by many animal advocates instead of “stray” or “street.”

Why there are so many street dogs in India?

  • Simply put, the reason is open garbage. In India there is a ton of garbage spread around the intersections and streets, the dogs rely on garbage in search of eatables, the country with less garbage seen fewer street dogs.
  • One main reason is that no one is ready to adopt them, they face hard times during winters and rainy season, and now during this CORONA pandemic and ongoing chaos when everyone is under lockdown, sadly many of them died because of no food and there’s no one to look after them.

Animal protection laws in India

In India, there is a penalty of INR 50 or more with imprisonment for killing animals as per the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960. Even though animal welfare groups are serious about the issues and several petitions have been filed for the welfare and rights of the animals especially the street dogs. The government still needs to do a lot. I hope we will see a change soon(if humanity wants).

All I want to say is that breed doesn’t matter loyalty and love matters. I have two dogs and two cats both I picked from the streets and now whenever I enter the home they always ready to show love gesture and gratitude towards me. I’m really blessed to have them. I have a future plans of making a shelter home for street Dogs.

Street dog
His name is rocky which I picked from the street. Isn’t he adorable?

“While the world drives you crazy there is someone waiting impatiently to heal you and make you happy”

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