Aspiring Blog

Category Mindfulness

The Habit of Reading Can Change Your Life

“Today’s a reader, Tomorrow a leader”- MARGARET FULLER This quote by Margaret plays a quintessential role in every human’s life. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that reading has made many people’s lives better and stimulated their inner selves, which… Continue Reading →

How Is Writing Affecting My Brain?

In one of my previous articles, I explained why you should write? And amazingly, I just realized how writing or blogging actually affects my brain and neural activity. After consistently blogging for more than 2 years, I looked back and… Continue Reading →

Seeking Shortcuts

Guest Post By – Opare Asihene The ‘get it done now’ mentality is the result of a mind that is both lazy and unimaginative. A great visionary understands that manifesting anything takes an indefinite period of time, so he sits… Continue Reading →

How Satisfied Are You With Your Current Life?

In this modern world, everyone wants to build good fortune, healthy relationships, and a better world only for themselves. It’s not bad to be a little selfish for the sake of oneself, right? But what if these things ruin your… Continue Reading →

The Most Influential Person In The Room

Guest Post By- Wynne Leon I was listening to an On Being podcast where Krista Tippett was interviewing American humorist and storyteller Kevin Kling. He was born with a disabled arm and then in mid-life was in a motorcycle accident… Continue Reading →

Do You Believe In Love At First Sight?

Guest Post By- Dennis Elton Stanley Sadly, most people in these days and age do not believe in love at first sight. There are many reasons for that, and I am certainly not here to judge anyone. Instead, I hope… Continue Reading →

Angels That No Longer Wear White

Guest Post By- Dennis Elton Stanley Do you know there are real live angels here on earth? We have all heard stories of angels showing up at the scene of a car accident and carrying the injured to safety. Some… Continue Reading →

Being A Single Parent Is Not Easy

Single parenting is not always someone’s choice, but in some cases, it is God’s Will. While it is true that it is not in someone’s hands but when it becomes a part of life, it turns out to be a… Continue Reading →

Here’s How You Might Already A Genius

What If I say, that you are already a genius, you just don’t know or never realize it before? Would you believe me? Well, you should because you might be having these signs that already make you different than others… Continue Reading →

How Rat Race Affecting Our Mental Health?

Some 200,000 years ago when human beings started to evolve on this planet we never looked back, we’ve accomplished much in that short time. Our needs become much more advanced that it won’t be right to say it is just… Continue Reading →

8 Simple But Effective Ways to Stop Overthinking

Is there anything that you have been thinking about too much and for too long now? Perhaps the most important decision of your life or might be just a normal thing that you’ve given much hype about unnecessarily, that you’ve… Continue Reading →

Are You Alone?

So you’re here just because you think that you are alone, that you are in the darkroom on your own or your happiness is just a makeup over your sadness. But is it? I mean you really need to rethink… Continue Reading →