Aspiring Blog

Tag Politics

What Happened to America?

America was born from war. According to Wikipedia, beginning with The Revolutionary War, America has been involved in 107 wars (and counting). It also says we won 81 of those. (Although, I am not sure what winning means) That is… Continue Reading →

5 Things To Describe That We Are Still Struggling For Freedom

Independent or not having to depend on anyone for anything else. It is an act of being strong and able to resist alone. When we talk about independence & freedom we entail a country, Individual, any living things. Everyone has… Continue Reading →

How Politics Is Present Everywhere?

Politics means influencing and changing social behavior by adopting such activities that create a powerful impact (According to me). It composes a very strong impact on the way people think and the way people operate. So Isn’t it obvious that politics… Continue Reading →


The year 2020, like in a cricket 20-20 means a limited over game where there is always a chance of major and unexpected turns anywhere between the game. Same like the 2020 year has shown us many drastic turns, ups… Continue Reading →