Aspiring Blog

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Absolute Honesty Isn’t Always The Best Policy

Cooper: Hey TARS, what’s your honesty parameter? TARS: 90 per cent. Cooper: 90 per cent? TARS: Absolute honesty isn’t always the most diplomatic nor the safest form of communication with emotional beings. Cooper: Okay, 90 per cent it is. That… Continue Reading →

Angels That No Longer Wear White

Guest Post By- Dennis Elton Stanley Do you know there are real live angels here on earth? We have all heard stories of angels showing up at the scene of a car accident and carrying the injured to safety. Some… Continue Reading →

Why Moderation In All Things Is Good?

‘More is not better.’ I’ve heard this so many times. Of course, something in excess is definitely not a nice move. But let me say ‘Less is not better’ too. Isn’t it? Moderation in all things can be a good… Continue Reading →

I Said This 365 Days Ago, But…

It’s been a whole year since I said this – “Will things be going to work pretty well the next year in 2021?” in my this post – Here’s how 2020 was the weirdest year ever Well I guess, it… Continue Reading →

“I’m The World’s Ugliest Woman”- Mary Ann Bevan

Women are also known as the synonyms of Beauty and Grace In us humans. Across the time women’s femininity implies that she is attractive and lovely. But it is also true that across time women are also humiliated by the… Continue Reading →

How To Find Happiness Amidst Hectic Life?

How to be happy is the top priority of any strugglers nowadays. Everyone is on a hunt for happiness. Someone finds happiness by spending all of his savings on a holiday trip or someone tries to find it by just… Continue Reading →

The Man Who Saved The World- Stanislav Petrov (Unsung Heroes Part-9)

How many superheroes do you know who have saved the world? I bet they are fictional characters from the movie. As they are the only heroes we know who risked their lives to save millions of lives. But there are… Continue Reading →

Being A Single Parent Is Not Easy

Single parenting is not always someone’s choice, but in some cases, it is God’s Will. While it is true that it is not in someone’s hands but when it becomes a part of life, it turns out to be a… Continue Reading →

Photo Hiking- The Art Of Being Alive

Recently I returned to my love of photography, an art form that I embraced long ago consisting of 35mm cameras, film, and darkrooms. I assumed the new high-tech digital cameras would be simple, not having to mess with film or… Continue Reading →

Money Really Can Buy You Happiness

“Thank you beta(son), I pray this Diwali brings you all the happiness in life and all your wishes come true”, she said to me that day. An old quavering voice full of hopes and happiness, deep enough to remind me… Continue Reading →

We Are Now 1000 In WordPress!

From 1 to 1000+. We are grateful beyond measure. Much gratitude to all of you for being such great support. We never pull it off without each and every one of you. All those comments, likes, and love are the… Continue Reading →

First Transgender Judge Of India- Joyita Mondal (Unsung Heroes Part-8)

“I’m a Boy that was born as a Girl, and has to prove myself every day that I am man enough for the world” Joyita Mondal The above quote isn’t just a word together, it has a lot of pain… Continue Reading →

A Search For Wisdom

Guest post By- Faye Roots I am now in my 78th year of life and one thing I do KNOW.      (Apart from what I know in the sense of acquired education and accumulated head Knowledge) I know in myself, I… Continue Reading →

How Much Big Is This Responsibility?

Responsibility in general definition means the ‘ability to respond’ to things that are not determined by us. These are those things that are not predefined in nature, often appear instantaneous, and evaluate how we concede to them. Have you ever… Continue Reading →

Pastor Lee Jong-Rak And His Babybox (Unsung Heroes Part-7)

What if certain situations make you ask God- “why me?” and instead of expecting some kind of relief from God, that thing becomes the purpose of your life? As humans of the 21st century, this may sound very exhausting. Right?… Continue Reading →

5 Things To Describe That We Are Still Struggling For Freedom

Independent or not having to depend on anyone for anything else. It is an act of being strong and able to resist alone. When we talk about independence & freedom we entail a country, Individual, any living things. Everyone has… Continue Reading →

When You Feel Like You’re Running Out Of Time

Running out of time is probably the world’s biggest problem and no one is solving it. Perhaps, it’s the thing that can’t be solved simply because obviously, we can’t control time. That 24 hours we have in a day or… Continue Reading →

Try Not To Laugh- It Is Serious

“Can you please stop laughing? It isn’t funny”, the teacher yelled at me while I was in 10th standard and was giving a speaking assessment test which had to be recorded. I told my mind “Please try not to laugh,… Continue Reading →

A Story Of A Homeless Beggar Of Bailovo- Dobri Dobrev (Unsung Heroes Part-6)

Dobri Dobrev is also known as ‘Grandpa Dobri’, ‘Elder Dobri’ or ‘The Saint of Bailovo’. He is known for his kindness and selflessness. At the age when people either relaxing with their retirement and pension income. He was the one… Continue Reading →

The Problem Of World Hunger And An Empty Stomach

There are over 7.6 billion people in this world, living in 195 different countries, speaking roughly 6,500 languages, and around 4,300 religions exist. These statistics make the world a beautiful place to live in because of its incredible diversity. As the… Continue Reading →

The Nest Man Of India- Rakesh Khatri (Unsung Heroes Part-5)

“When was the last time you spotted a house sparrow on your window?”, Rakesh Khatri asks this question in every workshop he does. Despite being the state bird of Delhi, today they are a rare species in the capital. No… Continue Reading →