In one of my previous articles, I explained why you should write? And amazingly, I just realized how writing or blogging actually affects my brain and neural activity.

After consistently blogging for more than 2 years, I looked back and realized the enormous change in my thoughts and brain functioning. I don’t know if I’ll be able to explain to you what actually I felt like now. But surely it seems to be a positive one.

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, writing stuff is the most prominent way to throw light on your witty wisdom. It also describes your brain’s thoughts and the way you think of a situation or an event.

Brain’s thoughts are innumerable but some say an average human brain can think up to 7000 thoughts a day. But of course, most of them only serve anxiety and negative emotions. However, the time you pen down these thoughts in a profound way, it serves as a calming, meditative tool.

Even the research found that the stream of conscious writing exercises, in particular, has been identified as a helpful stress-coping method.

How is writing affecting my brain?

I can assure you that this research is working for me at least. And I know many of you would agree that writing down thoughts is indeed a genuine way to pacify brainstorming.

When I was unaware of this writing therapy and was bottling up my ideas, I was always surrounded by anxious thoughts. But from the past 2 years, I comprehended that through writing you can easily structure your amorphous concept. I’m still isn’t that perfect, but now I feel way better than before.

Let Your Brain Thank You

There is research that shows writing affects the brain and increases neural activity in the same way, similar to meditation. It can be a powerful meditational practice. The first time I started writing consistently or you can say a ‘Free Writing or ‘Brain dump’, it was all too disorganized. Firstly, there were a number of thoughts that came to my mind too rapidly.

It was impossible to write them down. Some thoughts just escaped from the brain entirely. I tried to write as fast as I could. The one that I did grab wasn’t perfect for writing.

But with time, I get to know that it’s all a practice that we learn every day. As little as 10 minutes of writing practice a day can reap great benefits. You don’t need to rush instantly.

Writing gives your busy brain something to do, something to execute rather than just thinking. It is so effective that even your brain will Thank You.

what writing does to your brain?

How Does Writing Improve Your Brain? ‘The Influential Angle’

Writing can be influential for you the same way it is to the readers. Powerful writing can plant an emotion, an idea, or a thought into the brain of the reader.

When you tell a story through writing, it creates a sense of synchronization between the words and the reader’s imagination. They start imagining those characters or the moment while reading in their brain. Princeton University concluded that the brain of a person telling a story either by writing or speaking and the brain of a person reading or listening to it can synchronize exquisitely.

Don’t want to include it, but in scientific terms, the part of the brain that is associated with reading and writing is called Frontal Lobe. It’s a weird name but you should know it.

How is writing affecting my brain?

Change in Perspective

After writing several articles or blogs I have a positive outlook and a kinda divergent perspective of seeing the situation. The perspective urges me to write it down and share it with you before it dies prematurely.

This perspective wasn’t there if I go back in time. It’s a newly developed skill that I acquired because of writing. And, I feel happy I’m able to earn. I won’t say that I’m perfect, am excellent, as I’m not. And perhaps, it’s a never-ending learning exercise.

But it’s good to think that I’m walking that path that insists, I see things differently, to have an appreciation for something undervalued.

I can’t believe I’m the same person who was afraid to write even 50 words essay in school. And now we have written over 100,000 words since the inception of Aspiring Blog. It’s just so crazy to think about, isn’t it?


The other thing that sets behind it is the reason or something worth writing for. We all procrastinate a bit when it comes to doing. The same goes when you write steadily for days. But when you know you have an audience, a bunch of readers who read and engage with your work, you are bound to do that.

It may seem difficult as you have to muscle up your brain to come up with ideas, but it is all worth it at the end of the day. It not only gives a brain a space to think out of the box but may also lead to an idea that was hiding in the unseen prison of the brain.

Many times I feel like I don’t have anything to write, I’ve said everything. This feeling I have had for the past 1 year. But interestingly, a random thought comes to my mind anytime anywhere that makes me so excited to write it down. It again filled me with the same energy. It’s a strange phenomenon that perhaps only exists because we write.

This all makes me realize how writing affects the brain. How have I changed since then? Does it really make my mind free? And, I would like to know does it affects yours as well?

Let me know in the comment.

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