The impact of music on society can be traced back to the dawn of humanity, whether it takes the form of crafted instruments or the sounds of nature itself. You might wake to the melodious singing of birds in the… Continue Reading →
When we think of cities or urbanization, we often envision bustling metropolises filled with skyscrapers, high-end shops, and well-maintained streets. However, we often forget to acknowledge the significance of slum areas and the reliance of cities on these slum dwellers…. Continue Reading →
यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवता: ‘Where Women are worshipped there the god rejoice’ means that women bring good luck and fortune to the household through procreation, they deserve respect and reverence. In other words where women are honoured divinity… Continue Reading →
We all know that tobacco is injurious to human health and have heard this so many times at the start of every movie. But despite it, the use of tobacco is contagious and spreading way faster and so it’s related-death…. Continue Reading →
There are over 7.6 billion people in this world, living in 195 different countries, speaking roughly 6,500 languages, and around 4,300 religions exist. These statistics make the world a beautiful place to live in because of its incredible diversity. As the… Continue Reading →
We inhabit a world where everyone tries to find his way of living. Some do battle for survival in their own fatherland, some have to left their native place and walk-off from their comfort zone. Obviously, no one feels good… Continue Reading →
Have you ever felt like your schooling interfere with your education? Your skills, your strengths, your way of learning aren’t controlled by you anymore? As allegedly Mark Twain said- ‘Don’t let your boy’s schooling interfere with his education.’ And now… Continue Reading →
Politics means influencing and changing social behavior by adopting such activities that create a powerful impact (According to me). It composes a very strong impact on the way people think and the way people operate. So Isn’t it obvious that politics… Continue Reading →
We are living in a society where people are judged by their profession. If you belong to a profession that doesn’t consider respectful and of standards in the eye of society then you have no right to expect respect. One… Continue Reading →
Middle-class People’s life is like a bowl of Spaghetti with somewhat exactly the same ingredients, long, thin, round noodles. Just like unfulfilled fantasy, empty Pocket, compulsion, abandonment, and ménage are some of the spices to make his life more thrilling… Continue Reading →
Women deserve freedom to express themselves, there is nothing which can make us to stop. ANONYMOUS The above expression was used in the famous Instagram channel to narrate feminism in our country. According to them, putting allegations, showing cleavages, smoking/drinking… Continue Reading →
The year 2020, like in a cricket 20-20 means a limited over game where there is always a chance of major and unexpected turns anywhere between the game. Same like the 2020 year has shown us many drastic turns, ups… Continue Reading →
Men never cry. As said by society, but they haven’t told Are they talking about real men? Because I know they do. Today I don’t have any story to tell but I think being a real man is (muscular) itself… Continue Reading →