Philosophy & Beliefs

Hard Work vs Smart Work: What to Choose?


Work hard,

and you will earn good rewards,

Work smart,

and you will earn great rewards.

Work hard and Smart,

and you will earn extraordinary rewards.

-Matshona Dhliwayo

The above quote has a significant meaning in our life. Hard work along with smart thinking has something to do with achieving extraordinary things. But since we’re always taught in our childhood that to achieve our dreams we should do a lot of hard work in our studies, sports, dream, and whatever we want to achieve.

We all are somehow running in a race to achieve our goals to our full potential and leaving no stone unturned. Also, we are taught in our school, by elders that if we want to compete with the world we must out in everything we have because the rule of thumb is β€œHard Work is the key to successβ€œ.

But is it true in this new world? Can only hard work will help us to achieve our dream? Here I figured out something very important that I would like to share with you, so keep reading.

Hard Work Vs Smart Work

I am assuming that you all surely have taken a Cycle Rickshaw ride. The Rickshaw puller does a lot of hard work in pulling all of the weight to drop us at our destination.

He used to carry 2 people in a Rickshaw and he could probably earn 200 INR in a day, and this was followed for many years. In the early time, all the things were done manually and it requires a lot of energy to strain every nerve to get the job done.

But things have now changed for the better as someone found the smart way to do things conveniently. Now everywhere the Cycle Rickshaw is replaced by the Electronic Rickshaw which is not just saving the energy of the Rickshaw Puller but also helping them in earning a good amount.

Also, we have seen that a little bit of smartness has put a long impact on our daily life. From education to convenience, earlier which require a lot of effort to do things are now replaced by new and smart tactics. You all might have heard a struggle story from your elders of their schooling time. They used to cover a distance of miles for school and how they used to study without electricity. Now can we imagine those days are happening in this era?

I know it is hard to imagine that period back because smartness has changed people’s way of doing things.

Difference Between Hard Work and Smart Work

Hard work is all about continuously doing work for long hours with more effort towards a particular goal without worrying about the result. It prioritizes quantity over quality and it is better for those tasks which are not time-based.

Whereas smart work is about doing tasks with smart thinking, shortcuts, and effective techniques. It explores effective & efficient ways to accomplish work. Smart work is more efficient and more time-based tasks. Smart work reduces more efforts and helps in doing tasks easily.

For Instance, When wheels were not invented early men used to carry a lot of burdens on their heads & shoulders to move goods from one place to another. But the modern man-made wheelbarrow made it effortless to carry the loads 3 times more and more effectively. There is a number of things available in front of our eyes that can easily differentiate between smart work to hard work.

It’s always been a matter of debate which method should be aimed. People have different opinions about both methods. Some believe that hard work gives them the desired result in a better way and some believe that they required an easy way and different techniques to achieve their goal on time. So, they focused more on doing smart work. But,

However, I believe both methods have importance on their own. While both methodologies have their pros and cons, they can give you the desired result depending on the situation and circumstances.

There are a lot of hard-working people struggling in their everyday life. Also, they dedicate their whole life to struggling for money & fame. They leave no stone unturned in doing their task but sometimes even after all that, they are not able to make a good life for themselves. It is true that sometimes only hard work does not pay well.

On the contrary, there are a lot of smart people struggling in their life and are afraid of doing hard work. They are well capable of managing things but due to laziness or some kind, they often fall behind.

Are Smart Work and Shortcut the Same?

You might hear multiple times from people about their success stories and how they became millionaires overnight. They might give also recommend ideas about finding a shortcut to earn a huge sum and make life easier.

But there is a huge gap between working smart and findings shortcuts. Shortcuts aren’t always good for doing work, they can give you money for sure but they are not long-lasting and reliable. There have been numerous billion dollars scams in the world that run in the name of shortcuts. In short, shortcuts aren’t trustable. But still, it is arguable as there are exceptions to this.

Smart work is not similar to modern-day findings of unethical shortcuts. It requires specific knowledge and practice to complete the work. Smart Work is an innovative way of doing work, it reduces the burden and improves productivity. Intelligent people find alternative ways with their intelligence to make their jobs convenient with minimal error and effort.

Would you like to find out how Smart & Dumb are you? Check this out –

Who are you? Smart or Dumb?

How We Can Work Hard and Smart?

It is normally seen that neither only hard work is better than smart work nor smart work is better than hard work. But when we combine both methods it gives us the most efficient results. It is proven that if someone makes a balance between the two can achieve their goals in less time and more efficiently.

Both have their importance and we can’t achieve our dreams by relying on just one method. Also, we can find the best way to complete a set of tasks within time and ensure its optimum quality.

Work Hard smartly will improve your efficiency and you can focus on your other work properly. For instance, you have a lot of pending work in the office and the next day is the deadline. And it is impossible to complete the task even if you are ready to unite day and night.

At that time you can work smartly and Delegate the small jobs to someone else who is available. So that you can focus on more important tasks.

We must try to make a balance between our smartness and dedication. Working smart doesn’t mean that you should stop working hard, but instead, you should find an innovative way to complete the task.

That’s what we actually need. Working hard but smart.

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Deepak Joshi

Deepak Joshi is a Writer and a Co-founder of Aspiring Blog. He writes about the social norms that are very less discussed in society. He also writes about certain Life-events and fascinating & compelling real-life stories. You can find his work on his author's page.

View Comments

  • Any activity
    can be as a kind
    designate from work
    we have to every day
    do the simplest things
    the simple
    what really needs to be done
    is the hardest

    • Well said, we have to focus on the things to be done simply. Smartness along with hard work pays for the desired result.
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts 🌷

      • The good said
        does not help over it
        own failure
        despite all efforts
        through hard work
        to accept

  • Love the quote, Depak! A thoughtful post with lots of good advice! <3 Have a great week!

  • Problems w/ my browser today. Am having trouble "liking" your post. My apologies. Best wishes always, A.

    • Its okay Anna, it happens sometimes when sever doesn't work.
      Thank you for stopping by πŸ’“

  • Work smart + hard = better results

    I find the above idea interesting. Let's explore it.

    A) Workers: Have a look at these possible types of workers:

    1. Smart people - People who are smart don't want to do hardwork.

    2. Hardworkers - People who work hard don't want to be smart.

    3. Average people - People who are smart, and work hard.

    B) Nature of job

    Some work really needs hardwork and other smart work.

    Sometimes we need less educated workers highly educated people might not fit the job.

    1. Physical labour in a Coal mine

    We know labours their are less educated. They get paid for the hardwork.

    2. Manufacturing sweets

    We need little skillful and trained workers here. Hardwork is enough.

    3. Editing videos on computer

    Video editing is a skill that makes you smart. Just like we like a youtuber for his or her specific type of content.

    For example, Comedy videos of BB ki Vines and Educational videos of Dhruv Rathee.

    3) Research and Innovation

    We have economists as policy makers and shopkeepers who follow this policies for their welfare.

    In today's world, everyone has a role, even if you do nothing instead of watching youtube videos for hours.

    Out of 7 hours you watch ads for 1 to 1Β½ hours. Youtube earns for it.

    β€œIf you have data, research and innovation technology, you're the smartest and richest guy on this planet right now.”

    I'm sure we can add more points to our comparison between the smart and the hard work.

    I hope you enjoyed this exploration journey with me.

    Thank you for this post. It's worth reading and exploring.

    My best wishes to you and AB.

    • That can be a very good suggestion. Hard work with smartness is basically for making the life of people easier. If they want to put all their energy with hammer it will take couple of days to complete it but if he will use machine to do the same task he can do it within a minute.
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts πŸ’“

  • This is an interesting post and I intend to re read and absorb further. Thank you.
    I am wondering if I can contribute to this discussion about when the reality of daily life changes does hard work and smart work have to become redefined as well. individual life goals matter! They determine ultimate peace and satisfaction.

    • Thanks Faye. It would be great if you want to add your thoughts to the discussion. I know there's so much to think about the philosophy of hard work and smart work. So, feel free to share your wisdom about this.

      Also, the last post you published 'Leaving Comfort Zones' has been published. We'll be glad if you can reply to the comments you have received there.

      Thank you so much.

  • HI i would be delighted to reply and communicate on any comments. Can you give me a link to the published site or tell me how to access your website and find it. I'm not 100 percent computer savvy.

  • Maybe I would also speak of hard work to renounce to squander! Many thanks of your thoughts:)

  • Great Post Deepak!! Your points are so well taken. I try to work smart but technology often makes me overwork which is a double edge sword! Balance is key for sure! πŸ’–πŸ’–

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