Aspiring Blog

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The Funny Side of Being a Writer

Is it written in stone that a writer’s life must be serious? Well, if you’ve ever tried your hand at stringing words together to create stories, articles, or even this blog post, you find that there is a funny side… Continue Reading →

What It Feels Like to Publish Your First Book?

Publishing a book is indeed a wonderful idea, that you’ll never regret. For many writers, it’s a dream including me. Yes, I too have a dream of publishing a novel or book that can help people gain a new perspective… Continue Reading →

How Is Writing Affecting My Brain?

In one of my previous articles, I explained why you should write? And amazingly, I just realized how writing or blogging actually affects my brain and neural activity. After consistently blogging for more than 2 years, I looked back and… Continue Reading →

Why You Should Write?

An American author, Jodi Lynn Picoult wrote: “You can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page.” And to edit a bad page, you first need to create one. For that, you must write. But writing isn’t… Continue Reading →