Is it written in stone that a writer’s life must be serious? Well, if you’ve ever tried your hand at stringing words together to create stories, articles, or even this blog post, you find that there is a funny side of being a writer, that is hidden from their readers and audience.

Yes, being a writer is much more fun and funny than you might think! And I can say this after around 5 years of experience. This might not sound like a lot (which of course isn’t), but I learned what I could from this writing journey. And I can say I have my own amusing conflicts, anecdotes, and ‘word’ war that may seem serious from another’s POV but is actually pretty hilarious if I consciously think about it.

And, I believe many other bloggers, authors, writers or whosoever grabs a pen (Keyboard) once to write can relate to this.

1. The Dreaded Writer’s Block

Writer’s block is the bane of every writer’s existence. It’s that feeling when you sit down to write, but nothing comes out. You stare at the blank screen, trying to think of something to say, but your mind is empty. But don’t worry, writer’s block is only temporary. Eventually, the words will start to flow again.

Who hasn’t tried typing random words, only to realize they’ve created an unintentional haiku about llamas?

2. The Curse of Overthinking

I think it is time that ‘overthinking’ should be considered a part of writing skills in every resume and interview. Writers are notorious for overthinking the simplest of sentences. When I started writing, I started to overthink everything, like “Is ‘flabbergasted’ too strong a word for describing my character’s reaction to spilt coffee?”

And then someone from the blogging community told me “Congrats! you’re officially a writer now!”


3. Reading Your Own Work

Ever tried reading your own writing aloud? It’s a rollercoaster of emotions. One moment, you’re patting yourself on the back, thinking you’re a literary genius, and the next, you’re snorting with laughter at a cringe-worthy sentence. It’s like attending a stand-up comedy show with an unpredictable punchline.

4. The Plot Twist

So, you’ve planned your plot, outlining every twist and turn. But then, in the middle of writing, your characters decide to take the story in a completely different direction. It’s like they have a mind of their own! As an author, you find yourself in a hilarious game of literary tug-of-war with your own creations.

5. The Battle with Spambots

Every WordPress blogger knows the struggle of dealing with spambots. No matter how sophisticated your anti-spam tools are, you’ll still find comments like, “Great post! Check out my site for miracle weight loss pills!” It’s like a never-ending game of whack-a-mole with digital nuisances.

6. The Accidental Puns

As a writer, you’re bound to stumble upon puns unintentionally. J.K. Rowling herself might have chuckled when she realized that Professor Snape’s first name, Severus, could be read as “severe.” The moment you spot these linguistic gems is pure comedic gold.

Related PostUnlock the Power of Your Sixth Sense of Humor

7. Social Awkwardness

Writing may be a solitary profession, but writers often find themselves in hilarious social situations. Take Neil Gaiman, who admitted, “I used to be a journalist, but I was a terrible journalist because I always wanted to put in funny bits.” Imagine him trying to interview a serious politician and slipping in a pun about the weather!

awkward situation

But you know, there’s a catch! Social awkwardness might sound like a serious deal, but in fact, there are some awesomeness of being socially awkward.

8. Hilarious Autocorrects

In the digital age, writers grapple with the infamous autocorrect feature. How many times have you sent a message only to realize that your smartphone transformed “I’m finishing my novel” into “I’m fishing for navel”?

9. The Vanishing Ideas

Sometimes, the best ideas come when you least expect them, like when you’re in the middle of a shower or doing the grocery shopping. I remember this one time when I was standing in the shower, minding my own business, when suddenly a brilliant idea struck my brain, as soon as I stepped out, grabbed a towel, and reached for a pen – poof! it vanished!

Related Post – How My Idea Vanish the Moment I Pick Up a Pen

10. The Obsession with Stats

Bloggers have a love affair with their site stats. It’s not uncommon to find yourself checking your daily page views and visitor counts more often than your social media. And when you see a spike in traffic, you feel like you’ve won the internet for the day!

11. Running Out of Ideas

You sit there, pondering life’s deepest mysteries, and you’re like, “I’ve done it all! I’ve said it all! There’s nothing left in the vast expanse of my mind!”. But then, like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat, you discover that there’s a never-ending wellspring of creativity.

So, I guess the well of creativity is bottomless, and writing is just a never-ending pizza party.

12. We are a Bit Crazy

Okay, maybe more than a bit. But that’s okay! Creativity often requires a certain amount of madness.

13. We get to Meet Other Interesting People

Writers tend to be a colourful bunch, so you’re sure to meet some interesting characters if you get involved in the writing community.

14. We Can Write Own Experiences, even the embarrassing ones

Sometimes, the best stories are the ones that are based on real life. So don’t be afraid to write about your own embarrassing experiences, as long as you can make them funny or relatable.

Of course, being a writer isn’t all fun and games. It’s a lot of hard work, and it can be very frustrating at times. But ultimately, it’s incredibly amazing to write down your perspective and imagination.

Just think, finishing a piece of writing and knowing that you’ve created something that other people will enjoy. So if you have a story to tell, don’t be afraid to put it down on paper.

Hope you enjoyed this post! Don’t forget to share your own funny side of being a writer, down below in the comment.

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