There is one mystic moment in everybody’s life where our separate ego-self dissolves into the vast mystery of the unknown. The feeling might be hard to explain but can only be described as ecstatic or something worthwhile.

Not often, but there will be definitely some mystical moments at some point in our life filled with bizarre or even perhaps frightening experiences, but sometimes accompanied with the feeling of absolute happiness, such that our connection to life expands significantly.

The feeling of mystical experiences, it really means allowing yourself to let go of your identity and just… being for a while.

mystical experience - Leonardo Da Vinci

What Is Mystical Experience and What It’s Felt Like?

“The most beautiful and profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is good as dead.”

Albert Einstein

The definition of mystical experience is hard to explain as it’s not about the normal feeling of happiness we get with temporary pleasure but about the intuition that transformed into an awakening sense.

When the first time I felt it, It was like the vibrational energies entering my deep path of the conscious mind. It influenced my thought and challenged my perceptions. It was something like I was meditating for so long and eventually found a connection with this universe.

Mystical experience

Throughout history, this is referred to as a spiritual experience that only a saint can achieve with fierce meditational practices. But I personally believe that besides living in a physical chaotic world, this phenomenon has been experienced by everyone at one time or another.

Some have said that they experienced it while accompanied by mother nature, some felt it while watching the wonders of life, and some may have experienced it in the cosmos.

Those who undergo mystical experiences often describe it as the realization of how sacred and beautiful this life is and how rare it is to even exist to witness the wonders all around us, love, nature, infinite space, divine powers, and literally everything.

I felt somewhat the same when I first felt it. I’ll try to explain how it feels with this story that I found.

Imagine that you are in a completely dark room. You’ve been told that in this room lives a very large snake. As you sit in the room, you can see its silhouette and you feel great fear as you contemplate the potential for it to bite you at any moment. But one day there is a flash of light that illuminates the room and you see that what looked like a snake was, in actuality, a rope. Although the flash of light was momentary, it gave you a glimpse of the truth. All of a sudden your long-held fear vanished entirely, and your experience of the room was never the same ever again.

The Alternative Lens For the Poets

I believe that those who write poems know exactly the significance of it. Because writing poetry is another way to be qualified for having a mystical experience.

What do you actually realize when you start carving the verse on the piece of paper?

The deeply felt glimpse into the most sacred and ancient home of consciousness through which the expressions come out in order to be united in the complete verse. The overwhelming magnitude of emotions and intuitive understanding that you embody makes the attempt to even describe the mystical experience feel limited by language.

You begin to see life through an alternative lens as if you’ve been asleep and suddenly reawakened. I’ve read lots of verses & poems over the internet that are too esoteric to understand. But their significance is enormous.

It’s a question for all the poets here – tell us how you get to your first thought when you trying to explain a vast topic with few words? Have you ever had what felt the mystical experience that I mentioned above?

Interesting Read9 signs You’ve had a Mystical Experience

My Own Mystical Experience

Talking about mystical experiences I believe that it is a much more profound subject that requires a sense of understanding and gratitude. And I myself do not qualify to make you understand what exactly is that or why is that. I’m not a philosopher or theorist. I just share my experience in a belief that so many of you might resonate with me and my thinking.

And perhaps no one will actually be able to fully explain to you. Because mystical experiences aren’t something that you feel, it’s what you realize is true.

As for me, I realized it just a couple years back when I was sitting alone looking up at the stars. I sat under the stars for hours admiring everything about that night. It was so comforting and beautiful. Meteor showers are just incredible to witness.

The experiences feel more real to me than anything else in this physical world and carry a deep sense of oneness, unconditional love, and ecstasy.

It occurs quickly, takes you by surprise, and typically does not last very long. Eventually, you end up returning to your habitual way of life, but the experience changes something deep inside, and you cannot forget it.

A Sense of Gratitude & A Life-Changing Experience

A couple of days forward, I bought myself a bigger telescope because space always fascinates me, it keeps me moved all the time, and I can say that I felt a sense of gratitude that I’m here to see the universe with my eyes.

I can say staring at the stars is now one thing I love to do at the end of the day. I don’t know why but now I never feel tired looking up. It’s the source of energy for me that left a deep impact on my thoughts.

Perhaps, this may sound uncanny, I know. Though, it is a process worth undertaking. I was able to find it my own way, or even there may be other whole lots of experiences around me that I just can’t see for now. It’s only with time or when we let go of our ego or for a moment.

I hope that you will allow the mystical secrets of the universe to transform your mind and open your heart to encompass more love and compassion because that’s what the world needs right now.

It’s not every day, you are asked this question, but have you ever had a mystical experience? If yes, are you able to explain that infinite feeling?

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