When we think of cities or urbanization, we often envision bustling metropolises filled with skyscrapers, high-end shops, and well-maintained streets. However, we often forget to acknowledge the significance of slum areas and the reliance of cities on these slum dwellers.

What would happen, if there were no slums at all? Would urbanization continue to function as it does?

Urban areas, defined as densely populated areas with a high proportion of non-agricultural workers, are typically characterized by high levels of economic activity and access to amenities and services. Here the living conditions are quite satisfactory and with better job opportunities.

In contrast, slums are often found on the outskirts of cities and are characterized by poor housing, inadequate infrastructure, and limited access to basic services such as clean water and sanitation.

But the question is,

Can The Urban Cities Run Without The Slum Dwellers?

It is unlikely that urban cities can function without the contributions of the individuals and families living in slums. Many slum dwellers work in various sectors including construction, manufacturing, and domestic work, providing essential labour that helps drive the economy of the city.

Slums majorly dominate urban people’s everyday lives, without them, their hectic lives become more tricky. It becomes very difficult for them to make a balance between their working life and their personal life.

Yes, it is common to see slums located near urban cities as a result of rural poor migrating to urban areas in search of better job opportunities and facilities. The high cost of living in urban areas and the lack of affordable housing options often lead to these individuals and families becoming trapped in overcrowded and inadequate housing, such as small, cramped apartments.

Urban life vs slums

The lack of access to basic necessities like clean water and sanitation, coupled with limited economic opportunities, can make life in these slums very difficult. This often leads to a divide between the urban and slum areas, with limited interaction and understanding between the two groups.

However, without the resilience of slum dwellers, the city would crumble.

Life In Urban Cities Without Slums

There is no denying that urban slums have increased the burden on cities. Earlier people used to search for opportunities in the agriculture sector and in rural areas. Now slums act as a magnet for the rural poor to attract them toward city life.

India has a significant problem with urban slums, with 17% of the population living in slums, which accounts for 64 million people. Mumbai, in particular, has a high population of slum dwellers, with 41.3% of the population living in slums.

Dharavi, which is located in Mumbai, is the largest slum in Asia. The shortage of land and a high number of job seekers are major factors contributing to the growth of slums in urban areas.

Slums are indeed a complex challenge for both the government and urban populations. On the one hand, they present a range of social and economic problems such as poverty, overcrowding, inadequate housing and sanitation, and limited access to basic services and opportunities.

While in contrast, slums also play an important role in the functioning of urban areas by providing a source of labour, goods, and services.

Urban life vs slum dwellers

Urban life is very busy and hectic, in which the household barely finds time for household things like cooking, house cleaning, etc. This is often due to the demands of work and other responsibilities, which make it difficult for people to manage their time effectively.

Whereas, many slum dwellers are looking for work in order to support their families and make ends meet in the expensive urban environment.

To make life easy for busy urban, slum dwellers enrolled in many works. Some of them are self-employed and pull rickshaws day-night and some of them clean roads which help urban enjoy a fresh morning walk.

Many females from these slum areas work as a babysitter and maids, and do household work like cooking, cleaning, washing clothes, etc. Also, we see many street vendors who sell delicious street foods like Panipuri (water balls), Momos (Dumplings), Vada paw, running Small Dhabas, etc. They also work as a milkman, vegetable sellers, laundry, newspaperman, electricians, plumbers, construction workers, etc.

You may underestimate these slum people but in fact, they are the people behind the smooth functioning of Urban life.

The Daily Challenges of Slum Life

Despite having job opportunities and living a city life, slum dwellers are facing huge problems in day-to-day life. They work day and night to earn good wages and to provide a better life for their children. But then there are also enormous issues like basic healthcare, affordable houses, quality education, water sanitation, etc.

Slum dwellers
Slum Dwellers around the world

Lack of basic amenities

It’s a huge challenge for them to get drinkable water and proper sanitation. Many a time they face a shortage of electricity and healthcare facilities. They often face the problem of clean roads and drainage systems. Their houses are filled with rainwater during monsoons which create diseases like flu and dengue. It’s an irony that those people who clean roads for others are deprived of these basic things themselves.

Overcrowded rooms and locality

Due to the shortage of land & space in an urban area and high property cost, these slum people are bound to live in low-space areas. Often 5 to 6 members live in a single room where they cook, sleep and live.

Poor Education

Most of the slum dwellers are not in a position to send their children to a good school. And due to the high living costs in urban cities, many of them don’t send their children to schooling. We can see small children working in a house as a sweeper or a waiter in hotels which also contributes to child labour issues in developing countries.

Inadequate healthcare system

Slum dwellers often suffer from various health issues such as HIV, cancer, flu, and tuberculosis, due to cramped and unsanitary living conditions. They lack access to proper and affordable healthcare to address these issues.

Despite facing many challenges, slum dwellers consistently strive to improve their living conditions and make their lives better.

There is a clear intersection between these two scenarios, where busy urban people need help with household chores and slum dwellers are looking for jobs to support their families.

There is a win-win situation for both of them by creating employment opportunities for slum dwellers to work as domestic helpers for urban households, thus providing a source of income for slum dwellers and helping to ease the burden of household tasks for urban residents.

In the midst of chaos, the slums stand strong, the unsung heroes of the urban jungle

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