Philosophy & Beliefs

What Do You Do When Life Seems To Be In Pieces?


Post By – Faye Roots

How do you handle the times in your life when circumstances- natural or deliberate – make you feel as if you are in pieces?

Like a burst balloon….. what once was is no more.

I am a Christian and my faith is not based on religion as some define religion.

I Have chosen to follow THE WAY and teaching of a PERSON.

He is a ‘living’ reality in my life and I have accepted He is the Saviour of my soul. I have a purpose and a destination. But while I live His Plan is for me to LOVE others. To care in whatever way I am able.

I have been through many circumstances – deaths of friends, family and key support in my life. Health issues. I have known betrayal of trust. Fire and flood. I have experienced financial struggles and have also known the overwhelming joy of new life often after being devastated by natural disasters.

The question at the beginning of this article asked of me and I wrote about on my Blog Passionate Creative Christian this response.

Have you ever felt like this in your personal life? Those times when a dream is destroyed, a health issue arises or someone significant in your life dies, leaves or betrays you. It can seem like everything has just ‘blown up’ in your face. I have certainly known times like this.

One truth that ever sustains me today is the reminder of our Saviour’s Promise….. I will NEVER leave you or forsake you. Hebs 13:5. Matt. 28:20 Surely, I am with you until the end of the age.

I have discovered too that even if the strips of your burst balloon are scattered far and wide if you surrender the bits to him ….. fragments of your life, as Divine creator God can make something beautiful out of these pieces.

Bringing BEAUTY from Ashes is his speciality. Give all your sorrows, pain, and disappointments into His nail-scarred Hands and WORSHIP.

God is and for eternity remains the God of the Impossible.

Thus was my response as an answer that Believers like me would understand but I would like to hear responses from writers and folks who are follows their beliefs and faiths.

What do you do? How do you handle it when LIFE BLOWS UP? Those times when you feel pieces are all that are left.

Post By – Faye Roots

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Faye Roots

Senior with hopefully still a child's heart. Wife of more than 50 years, Mother and grandmother. Older grandchildren but also two young ones.

View Comments

  • Thank you Faye for sharing your personal experiences and the ways in which your faith has helped you cope with difficult circumstances. It's inspiring to see how you have found strength and purpose in your beliefs.

    I believe It's okay to feel sad, angry, or overwhelmed when life seems to fall apart. Allow yourself to grieve and process your feelings. Finding a sense of purpose and meaning can be powerful in helping you navigate difficult times. This could be through faith, volunteer work, creative pursuits, or any other activity that gives you a sense of fulfillment and connection to something greater than yourself.

  • I love your article, Faye! I think if we live long enough, we will certainly experience most or all of those things. I guess that is life. There are those born with that "silver spoon" and seem to sail through life with ease. I hold no anger for them, but sometimes I wonder why? I cannot imagine going through surgeries, personal finance collapse, loss of a life-long spouse or child without Faith. People with faith know these things will happen and accept it as part of life, always having God right by their side. Bless you for writing your feelings.

  • Thank you for your comments. May you find the STRENGTH and hope in your life journey to live with beauty and well in all circumstances.

  • One day in glory Faye we will see how all of the 'burst balloon pieces' of our life here fit perfectly into Eternity's beautiful mosaic for His glory.
    Be blessed lady!

  • Brilliant article, it's truly an art if we can handle our heart carefully while things hurt and break into pieces taking away all our peace. This gave so much of power to read and be inspired 👌👌

  • Thank you for all the comments and thank you Ritish for the blog and the wonderful sharing opportunities afforded here. Many and varied are the lives humans are living around this world. To read inspiring stories from people who live in difficult places educates me and teaches me more about LOVE.

    • You're welcome, Faye! We truly believe that sharing stories from people living in different parts of the world can help us learn more about love, compassion, and the resilience of the human spirit. Thank you for being a part of the community!

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