Close your eyes. Let the world fade away. Take a breath, and listen. Not to the hustle and bustle around you, but deeper, within yourself. Do you hear it?

The rhythm of your heart, the melody of your soul? That, my friends, is the soundtrack of music, the greatest invention of humanity.

More than just background noise, music matters more than you think!

“Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”

Berthold Auerbach

And how true it is! Even a simple piece of music can whisk us away to a majestic world. It has the remarkable power to touch our inner selves, reshape our thoughts, and make worries vanish into thin air.

importance of listening music. Music matter more than you think.

Music Isn’t Just Entertainment – It’s a Medicine!

Remember that time you were stuck in a traffic jam, frustrated? Then, a familiar song came on the radio, and suddenly, your mood shifted. You found yourself tapping your foot, singing along, and the tension eased away. That’s the magic of music!

Or how about that moment you were feeling lost, adrift in a sea of uncertainties? But then, you put on your favorite playlist, and the lyrics become your compass, guiding you back to your own inner strength.

Music isn’t just entertainment. It’s a medicine, a magical potion that can mend broken hearts, soothe weary minds, and ignite the fire of our spirits. It’s a language understood by every soul, a bridge connecting us across cultures and generations.

“One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.”

Bob Marley

But, Why Music Has Healing Powers?

Now, that’s enough of a poetic notion. In reality, the healing power of music is actually backed by a growing body of scientific evidence.

As per Neurochemical, soothing music triggers the release of endorphins, our natural feel-good chemicals. These dampen the stress hormone cortisol, promoting relaxation and lowering anxiety.

Whereas, upbeat music stimulates dopamine and serotonin, neurotransmitters associated with pleasure and positive emotions. Certain musical rhythms can synchronize brainwaves, inducing a state of calm focus similar to meditation.

The “why” of music’s healing power is also deeply individual. Our unique musical preferences, memories, and associations all play a role in how music affects us. A song that reminds you of a happy memory or inspires you can have a profound personal healing effect.

importance of listening music

Now, Let’s Talk Favourites

We all have that one piece of music that speaks to our soul, that transcends time and space. For me, the ethereal tunes of science-inspired music like the interstellar soundtracks or like those by Melodysheep or the emotional lullaby of “Saturn” by Sleeping at Last, have an otherworldly impact on my being.

When that first note hits, the world melts away, leaving only me and the infinite universe swirling within the melody.

I can’t put into words the feeling when the music envelops me, it’s as if everything else becomes insignificant, and I’m transported to another realm.

It’s a reminder to me that even on the darkest nights, there’s beauty to be found, and stars to guide us.

Here, give it a listen:

Saturn by Sleeping at Last

What I also think is that music has the power not only to soothe our individual souls but also to connect us as human beings. Through music, we learn to appreciate the beauty of diversity and, in turn, become better, more compassionate humans.

When Music United Foes in 1914

I’ve heard this story once about the Christmas Truce of 1914 where music became the reason for the ceasefire.

So, in the midst of World War I, German and British soldiers, sworn enemies just hours before, emerged from their shelters, as they were drawn by some unexpected melody.

As Christmas Eve settled over the trenches, soldiers on both sides began to hear the faint strains of Christmas carols sung by the enemy. The beautiful melodies floated through the cold night air, capturing the attention and hearts of all those soldiers on both sides.

That night, the battlefield became a stage for a shared humanity. Enemies laid down their arms and exchanged cigarettes and stories instead of bullets. For a brief moment, the war ceased to exist, replaced by the unifying power of music.

This extraordinary event wasn’t an isolated incident. Throughout history, music has consistently given voice to the collective human experience.

Think of the Chilean miners trapped for 69 days in 2010, kept alive by the shared hope and the above-ground world’s rendition of their favorite song, “Rescátame” (Rescue Me).

Despite our differences, we share a common thread, a heartbeat that resonates to the same rhythm.

Remember, the greatest invention isn’t just for entertainment, it’s for evolution. Music is something that matters the most than you think.

So, the next time you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, press play and let the healing tunes wash over you. After all, music is the best medicine for the soul.

P.S. Share your favorite musical number in the comments below! Let’s build a playlist of healing melodies for the world to hear.

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