I guess when we ask ourselves this question the answer will depend on what is happening in our lives during that particular moment. If you are on vacation, maybe you are on a cruise. You might be sitting on the deck, looking out over the ocean at a beautiful sunset.

You have not a care in the world except wondering what you will have tonight for entertainment, food, and drink, then it is indeed a wonderful life.

And that is the way it should be. We can all take advantage when times are good and find the enjoyments in our lives, whatever that may be. It does not have to be an expensive cruise. It can be the smallest of things.

Myself, I find great solace and comfort just being out walking in nature. I am blessed to be living in the Ozark Mountains and it costs nothing to go hiking.

Photo by Dennis

I can see the same beautiful sun that is seen from the deck of a ship setting over the mountains. I look in awe at the majestic colors and beauty of the mountains as the orange sun lights them up. No sunset is exactly the same.

The sky and clouds have slowly painted the colors of turquoise, red, orange, and even colors with no name. It is at these times that I feel closest to my God. It is at these times that I know that all these things, the perfect balance of nature could be no accident. To me, this is all the evidence needed that God created the earth and everything in it.

One thing that brings a wonderful life to most of us is family. There are sometimes spats that can keep us at odds with some family members. A very wise man told me, remember that this family member or friend that you are at odds with is like a growing sore on your heart.

Only you can stop it from growing. But, for the most part, family is the glue that bonds us together. We all gather for birthdays, Christmas, and other holidays. It’s some of the happiest times during our wonderful lives.

And grandkids are the best!

Family wonderful life

Now, I am not ignorant, nor would I think you to be. It is written that, “In this life, you will have hardship.” To think differently would be naive. There are a lot of ugly things going on in the world right now.

I will be 71 this Summer and I can make a long “Hardship list.” But I will not, nor will I ever make such a list. Being a recovering pessimist, that list has been put in “the vault.”

What makes you happy? People find joy everywhere. It’s there for you. I see people finding wonderful enjoyment in their gardens or even the kitchen. Heck, I love to cook, and I am in awe of how simple ingredients come together to make an amazing dish.

Indian food is probably the best example of using spices to make something bland and uninviting into a masterpiece!

My point is, do not be a “Negative Nancy.” Find happiness in your life. It does not have to be expensive. You may be the only person who knows the things that make you happy. We all have a limited amount of time on this earth.

Make sure you don’t waste your time with sores on your heart or just accept what comes along.

Make sure that your life is one of those “wonderful lives.

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