Aspiring Blog

Author Deepak Joshi

Deepak Joshi is a Writer and a Co-founder of Aspiring Blog. He writes about the social norms that are very less discussed in society. He also writes about certain Life-events and fascinating & compelling real-life stories. You can find his work on his author's page.

Global Tobacco Epidemic: A Rising Concern

We all know that tobacco is injurious to human health and have heard this so many times at the start of every movie. But despite it, the use of tobacco is contagious and spreading way faster and so it’s related-death…. Continue Reading →

The Habit of Reading Can Change Your Life

“Today’s a reader, Tomorrow a leader”- MARGARET FULLER This quote by Margaret plays a quintessential role in every human’s life. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that reading has made many people’s lives better and stimulated their inner selves, which… Continue Reading →

How Satisfied Are You With Your Current Life?

In this modern world, everyone wants to build good fortune, healthy relationships, and a better world only for themselves. It’s not bad to be a little selfish for the sake of oneself, right? But what if these things ruin your… Continue Reading →

Is Warfare The Only Solution?

Warfare or we can say a way to prove oneself powerful and victorious is also a method to assuage self-esteem. We all have fought with someone in our early days. Recall your childhood when was the last time you fought… Continue Reading →

Valentine’s Day- Celebration Of Love

At the beginning of the spring when many trees are in blossom and early flowers are pushed through the earth’s soil, we celebrate the season of love. Valentine’s Day or the celebration day of love, affection, care is celebrated on… Continue Reading →

‘Chai’ – The Most Important Drink of India

Tea also known as ‘CHAI’ is India’s hot beverage and a thick sweet drink. But let’s say, tea is not just a sweet drink but an emotion that is an integral part of the rhythm of life. In India, tea… Continue Reading →

“I’m The World’s Ugliest Woman”- Mary Ann Bevan

Women are also known as the synonyms of Beauty and Grace In us humans. Across the time women’s femininity implies that she is attractive and lovely. But it is also true that across time women are also humiliated by the… Continue Reading →

How To Find Happiness Amidst Hectic Life?

How to be happy is the top priority of any strugglers nowadays. Everyone is on a hunt for happiness. Someone finds happiness by spending all of his savings on a holiday trip or someone tries to find it by just… Continue Reading →

Being A Single Parent Is Not Easy

Single parenting is not always someone’s choice, but in some cases, it is God’s Will. While it is true that it is not in someone’s hands but when it becomes a part of life, it turns out to be a… Continue Reading →

First Transgender Judge Of India- Joyita Mondal (Unsung Heroes Part-8)

“I’m a Boy that was born as a Girl, and has to prove myself every day that I am man enough for the world” Joyita Mondal The above quote isn’t just a word together, it has a lot of pain… Continue Reading →

How Much Big Is This Responsibility?

Responsibility in general definition means the ‘ability to respond’ to things that are not determined by us. These are those things that are not predefined in nature, often appear instantaneous, and evaluate how we concede to them. Have you ever… Continue Reading →

5 Things To Describe That We Are Still Struggling For Freedom

Independent or not having to depend on anyone for anything else. It is an act of being strong and able to resist alone. When we talk about independence & freedom we entail a country, Individual, any living things. Everyone has… Continue Reading →

A Story Of A Homeless Beggar Of Bailovo- Dobri Dobrev (Unsung Heroes Part-6)

Dobri Dobrev is also known as ‘Grandpa Dobri’, ‘Elder Dobri’ or ‘The Saint of Bailovo’. He is known for his kindness and selflessness. At the age when people either relaxing with their retirement and pension income. He was the one… Continue Reading →

The Problem Of World Hunger And An Empty Stomach

There are over 7.6 billion people in this world, living in 195 different countries, speaking roughly 6,500 languages, and around 4,300 religions exist. These statistics make the world a beautiful place to live in because of its incredible diversity. As the… Continue Reading →

Nadia Murad: Miserable Life And Heroic Aim

Terrorism has a deep root which is encompassing the world by its barbarity and pandemonium. Terrorism affects both the economy and mankind in the worst way possible. The killing of ordinary people for political purposes is often the motive of… Continue Reading →

Prolonged Discrimination Against The People Of Northeast India

We inhabit a world where everyone tries to find his way of living. Some do battle for survival in their own fatherland, some have to left their native place and walk-off from their comfort zone. Obviously, no one feels good… Continue Reading →

Mother of 1000 Orphans- Sindhutai Sapkal (Unsung Heroes Part-2)

Sindhutai Sapkal also known as ‘Mai’ means mother in Marathi, was an Indian social worker who sacrificed her whole life to help others and entirely devoted herself to orphans. She was not only a mother to her children but a… Continue Reading →

A Story Of A ‘Madman’- Swapnil Tewari (Unsung Heroes Part-1 )

We have numerous unsung heroes in our human race who are lesser-known but put a strong impact on humanitarian work. They have done commendable works for society but it looks bad that we are still unconscious of the works they… Continue Reading →

Real Value of Number One In Our Life

Have you ever wondered, what is the real value of number one in our routine nature? What role does it play in our daily lives? We all have read in Mathematics class about the number one and how important it… Continue Reading →

Reality of Equality- Does Equality Serves Justice?

Equality and Justice/equity aren’t the same, one may interpret the same meaning but in fact, both have different aspects. Equality stands for social equality, equal opportunity for all, and ensuring an equivalent privilege in every life. Equality guarantees that no… Continue Reading →

A Deficiency Of Being Expressing Oneself

We have many people in our surroundings who feel it problematic while expressing their emotions and thoughts. I won’t say that they are introverts, they are just not good at expressing themselves. Well, it’s not troublesome, but a habit of… Continue Reading →