“Yoga teaches you how to listen to your body.”

Yoga is a way of life. We’ve heard it but do not quite understand it. In recent years, we have seen rapid development in the world, and things that seem to be impossible are becoming real through magnificent scientific development. All the means of communication and transportation can be done within a time.

People have become more productive and skilled which is helping them to become financially free. Also, we have seen many new inventions in the medical field as well as in technology which are making our life easier.

But every new invention has some drawbacks and as we grow further our natural resources will continue to get low in count. And due to the extinguishing of natural resources, many new diseases have also been popped out here and there. In the race of getting everything, we are somehow trapped by the extra workload and stress.

We don’t care about our body, our mind, our inner peace, and our eternal happiness. Just because we are blinded by what we are seeing not what we actually need.

Why Does The World Needs Yoga?


Here we are yet to recover from the deadly coronavirus, the new monkeypox virus that has affected many children. Also, there are many people affected by some kind of disease. Either some of them got proper medical treatment or some of them become uncured due to a lack of financial ability.

There is one common disease among us which is ‘Diabetes’ which has trapped millions of people across the globe. According to World Health Organization, “There are 422 Million People worldwide who have Diabetes, the majority are living in low-and-middle-income countries, and 1.5 million deaths are directly attributed to diabetes each year.”

High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Depression, Eye Weakness, Heart Disease, and many more have affected every house. You will find a person suffering from at least one of the above diseases in every household. No doubt, we have done a great job in modernization but still, we are lacking in terms of prosperity in the world. We are getting close to technology but getting far from our own health.

One thing that might confuse you is that if we have already done immense work of technology and medical care so why there are millions of people remain uncured? A few decades ago we barely could find a super speciality hospital nearby us. Then how did people of that time use to cure themself?

It is because ‘Yoga’, that has its roots dating back thousands of years ago. Yoga is a way of life that they adopted.

A Brief History of Yoga

We all know that India is a country of diversity, with great philosophers, scientists, and leaders. Due to their intelligence and hard work they always give something beneficial to the world. Also, India used to be the place of ‘Sadhu’ or Saints or Monks for many decades.

They used to do Sadhna or Meditation either in dense forests or by going into huge Mountains or sacred places to keep themselves away from distractions.

They were highly dependent on nature and herbs to keep themselves healthy. Also, to keep their mind connected with the body, and to increase their thought process they do ‘YOGA’. Yoga was derived from the Sanskrit word “Yuj” which means ‘to join’ or ‘to unite. Here Union means the connection between your mind and your body.

It is considered that Lord Shiva was the first to Introduce Yoga. Later, to spread knowledge of Yoga he disseminates his knowledge and learning to seven learned men known as ‘Saptrishi’. They in return spread the knowledge in seven different directions and different regions.

After years many forms of Yoga were derived like Karma Yoga, Jana Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, and Raja Yoga. Yoga was the only thing that is continuing without any change.

Health Benefits of Doing Yoga

benefits of yoga
Benefits Of Yoga

Yoga provides mental and physical benefits to all age groups of people. Yoga has uncountable health benefits, it can provide relief from any chronic diseases to any surgical therapies. Daily yoga practice can reduce the resting heart rate, increases endurance, and improves oxygen level.

The following are the benefits of Yoga:

  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Improve Sleep
  • Balance the Metabolism
  • Perfect your Posture
  • Increase Muscle Strength
  • Increase Flexibility
  • Strengthens Bones

I have experienced the benefits of yoga. As I was a patient with High Cholesterol for two years and after taking various medical treatments I couldn’t get some relief.

But when someone gives me advice on doing ‘Pranayam’, and ‘Surya Namaskar’ (a kind of Yoga) I found a great change in my consciousness. I started feeling lighter and my focus on work improves drastically.

International Yoga Day

I’m here to insist you that take the pledge this 21st June 2022 on the occasion of International Yoga Day that you’ll give chance to your body by practising Yoga every day. I’m sure that within a year you’ll find the new you.

Yoga is a way of life. It is the union of body, mind, and soul. There may be tough times now, so I would say that it is probably the best time to get back to our roots.

Happy World Yoga Day!

Our Mailing Address is Namaskar@theblogera.com

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