How to be happy is the top priority of any strugglers nowadays. Everyone is on a hunt for happiness. Someone finds happiness by spending all of his savings on a holiday trip or someone tries to find it by just sleeping on weekends.

But, why we are even looking for happiness? Are these the only things to keep us happy? Why can’t we just create one for us?

I bet this might be the most searched topic on the Internet. We have made our lives so busy & hectic that we forgot how to be happy in our life. I agree, that in this present world if we will not run, probably we will be left behind by others. Also, will get that tag of a loser in others’ opinions.

A common man’s day starts with checking emails and end up clearing dues. There is always pressure to be better in the workplace to climb the ladder of success. But this race wrench one thing from this precious life of the common man and that is ‘Happiness‘.

The one thing that sets us in our life is ‘Responsibility’. When you start taking responsibility for your family, friends, and nation – your time for yourself is limited. Often being a responsible person you have to submit yourself to things you don’t love or you started juggling everything from career, family, social life & health.

This often gulps the energy out of you. It is obvious that we cannot dodge our responsibility, but finding a way to be happy along with having responsible is a happy life.

Everyone has their own way to be happy, some find sleeping in their free time is the best solution. While some are fond of movies in their idle time. But I personally believe that these can give you pleasure for a limited duration of time.

I’m in the prime of my life and believe me I’ve tried so many things just to have that smile on my face at the end of the day.

But one day I realized, that instead of finding I can create happiness for myself. That would be great. In a journey in Pursuit of Happiness, I find these pivotal things.

So, How to find happiness amidst hectic life? The answer lies in these 5 treasures-


5 Ways to Find Happiness Within Yourself

1. Make A Habit Of Saying ‘No’

The two-letter word ‘NO’ can put a huge impact on your life. Making a balance between ‘YES’ and ‘NO’ makes an equilibrium to see the positive and negative aspects. Saying No might seem rude to friends and can make relationships a bit shakey but it also helps you to stay away from negative people and insignificant things.

Saying NO to the distractions is a much better way for the aspirants to find the path to success. Also, it helps you to take a strong stand against wrongful acts. It finds value for your time which you can use for valuable purposes, for example, you have an important assignment to complete and the deadline is near.

And here your Friends forcing you to join the party but only you know that the assignment is much more important for you. That time a single word NO can help you not only to complete the task but also helps you get rid of the guilt of failure.

Saying NO can help you avoid things that you really don’t want to do and that are irrelevantly putting stress on you and ruining your happiness.

2. Spend Quality Time With Family, Friends & Pets

Working all day swallows all the energy from the body. Our mind needs rest and what can be more calming than spending time with family.

This is the best method I apply to keep myself fresh and motivated. Being with loved ones helps me improve mental health and also boosts morale.

I also used to spend time with my pets because their unconditional love makes me smile every time whenever I feel exhausted. Also, gardening gives instant positive vibes and enthusiasm to be mentally prosperous and fresh. Because all these are fractions of my family.

When we are with close ones we share our stories & plights that eventually release stress. Nine-year research found that a social person has more life expectancy than a reserved one. According to the research people with a lack of social connection but a healthy lifestyle live shorter than the social person with an unhealthy lifestyle.

Being surrounded by loved ones drives your inner happiness and also pushes you up in your failure. Also read:- Health benefits spending quality time with family.

3. Don’t Lose Sleep

Stop Worrying

It is normal to carry worries, worry regarding our pending work, future, and relationship. But when worrying about small things which are in no control becomes excess, it ends up causing stress and anxiety. That eventually leads to Hypertension, Insomnia & intense headaches.

Worrying about things is good but you must rethink it again- Does it cost you happiness? Is it in control of yours?

Chronic worrying is the cause of GENERALISED ANXIETY DISORDER which means an anxiety disorder that involves tension, nervousness, negativeness, etc.

Gaur Gopal Das has a brilliant explanation of why you shouldn’t worry. He says-

Do you have a problem in life? ‘NO‘, then Why worry?

Do you have problems in life? ‘YES

Can you do something about it? ‘YES‘, then Why Worry?

Can you do something about it? ‘NO‘, then Why Worry?

The core of the above statement Is that if things are in your control then solve them, if not then avoid them. But one thing you must do is STOP Worrying. Worryness overthrew your happiness and made your life miserable.

4. Read Good Stuff


Reading is a habit that helps in releasing stress and keeps us motivated. But the matter of fact is what we are reading.

It has become difficult to find a time to read but we should make a ‘ME TIME’ where we have to meditate and read good books like Religious books ( Bhagwat Geeta, Bible, Quran, etc) and anything we like from space, inventions to biographies.

It not only stimulates the mind but is also a source of knowledge and idea that can grow over time within you.

Reading helps you to travel the world and perhaps people’s mind around the world. You may stumble upon significant things that can change your life forever. UK Study finds that a person who reads regularly can cope with the situation better than a non-reader and have greater self-esteem, and is more emphatic.

Research also studies that 58% of the UK population read regularly, and for those who read 30 minutes a week, 20% are more likely to be satisfied with their life than non-readers, and 21% less likely to feel depressed.

5. Limit Your Priorities

We are taught from our childhood that we should work hard for achieving our goals. But when things go wrong we became frustrated and spoil our mood and happiness.

We keep searching for success in our life but what is true success? Is having more money without time for oneself success? Or Becoming powerful with always the fear of death is success?

Success has another meaning for happiness- Earning less but living life happier than a person with the bulk of the money is a success. You should do work with strong purposes, and always give priority to building a strong relationship with your spouse, friend, family, and society.

Focusing on priorities also gives a sense of accomplishment throughout hard times. So you must know what is important to you and not just what is urgent to you.

My Personal Experience with Happiness & Hectic Life

With full of responsibility, career, the family sometimes make me frustrated. It is human nature to react when things not going according to the plans. At that time I try to maintain calmness in my mind and look toward God. I believe in spirituality which always fills me up with positive vibes.

One thing I always try in my life is to stop overthinking or worrying. And to maintain a balance in this, I never expect too much from others. Also writing is a way that works for me whenever I want to share my experience and perspectives when someone is not around.

A stoic philosopher Epictetus said, “There is only a way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of your will”. I hold a strong presumption for it.

I never take up more than what my plate can hold. This means I always focus on things that I can do happily not forcefully.

Happiness can be found within you, not in your destination.

Not allow a single moment to ruin your happiness. There will be days when you will fail, feel depressed, and things get dark but it is what it is. This is life what do you expect? Be a happy survivor.

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