Responsibility in general definition means the 'ability to respond' to things that are not determined by us. These are those…
What if certain situations make you ask God- "why me?" and instead of expecting some kind of relief from God,…
Independent or not having to depend on anyone for anything else. It is an act of being strong and able…
Running out of time is probably the world's biggest problem and no one is solving it. Perhaps, it's the thing…
"Can you please stop laughing? It isn't funny", the teacher yelled at me while I was in 10th standard and…
Dobri Dobrev is also known as 'Grandpa Dobri', 'Elder Dobri' or 'The Saint of Bailovo'. He is known for his…
There are over 7.6 billion people in this world, living in 195 different countries, speaking roughly 6,500 languages, and around 4,300…
"When was the last time you spotted a house sparrow on your window?", Rakesh Khatri asks this question in every…
What If I say, that you are already a genius, you just don't know or never realize it before? Would…
Terrorism has a deep root which is encompassing the world by its barbarity and pandemonium. Terrorism affects both the economy…
An American author, Jodi Lynn Picoult wrote "You can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page."…
We inhabit a world where everyone tries to find his way of living. Some do battle for survival in their…
What can be scarier than death? Maybe living a life without any purpose or not doing anything good to the…
Having a good sense of humor means having a tool you can use to wrap up a particular moment in…
Sindhutai Sapkal also known as 'Mai' means mother in Marathi, was an Indian social worker who sacrificed her whole life…
Have you ever been in a situation continually where you feel like you are living the same day over &…
Life is strange, isn't it?You wake up every day not knowing what's in storeYou go to sleep only to journey…
We have numerous unsung heroes in our human race who are lesser-known but put a strong impact on humanitarian work.…
I know we've been going through a very tough time. The new variant or mutation of Coronavirus turned out to…
There is always something to watch whenever you feel down or sad about something. It might be your favourite TV…
Have you ever wondered, what is the real value of number one in our routine nature? What role does it…