Dreams that came true in Coronavirus Lockdown


Who said dreams aren’t real? I don’t think so, and definitely not after a recent situation of Coronavirus Pandemic lockdown.

No one can ever think that one day our thinking, our dreams, our imaginations, and stories of some science fiction movies might become reality like this. Isn’t it?

Have you ever thought of the other side of this Pandemic? If not, you should because I know we all have enough time now. And this time maybe once in your life. I’m pretty much sure that we are living the days which are on the making of epic history that will leave a great story to tell our future generations. To tell them the dreams might become a reality.

Now you probably thinking Whose dreams I’m talking about? But if you look closely you’ll find out. It’s our dream. Dreams we all have seen and prayed for. And this Coronavirus is fulfilling it all. Take a look.

Children’s Dream

It’s human nature as a child to hate school up to a certain class. But getting vacations before summer vacations is just another level of happiness. Because that’s what they want for sure.

Animal’s Dream

There’s a natural law of karma that vindictive people, who go out of their way to hurt others, will end up broke and alone.

Sylvester Stallone

It is said that if you give a good thing to the world, then your karma will be good, But did we? Here the word “world” represents every living thing that exists.

Probably It’s our karma that today they are wandering freely on the streets to remind us how it feels to be caged?

Worker’s Dream

Workers are an important pillar of any country. I know that this pandemic has critically affected the bottom of this pillar. But this is also a fact that they get free from daily exploitation, fatigue, and that routine heavy work. They got a chance to spend some time with their families which they were probably missing and looking for.

Environmentalist’s Dream

Now that some positive thing which everyone should agree about. Actually not only environmentalist, everyone wants to live in a clean & green environment. The major concern of this planet is getting some relief. We should be thankful for what environmentalists wanted from us, we are doing it now.

There is so much to add to this topic because lockdown in major countries brings so many positive changes to the climate.

For e.g. After 30 years, the people of Punjab, India can now see the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas because pollution levels dropped due to Coronavirus Lockdown.

Check out this amazing news:- https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/himalayas-visible-lockdown-india-scli-intl/index.html

Greta Thunberg should be proud of herself. Just Saying 🙂

What Lies Ahead?:- https://theblogera.com/environmental-crisis/

Student’s Dream

Well, This is a contradictory dream whether to be happy or worry about?

As a student I know what we always wanted, suspension of classes and exams and however it’s happening but don’t know for how long. But surely we got enough time, no excuses left if we utilize this time properly for productive use.

This is the time you can add to your capabilities and even on your resume. Some Suggestions:-

  • You can learn a new language. And I personally recommend Duolingo app for all your need.
  • Online short-term courses according to your field of interest such as Microsoft work excel, Adobe Photoshop, Computer programming, etc.
  • Explore your hidden talents
  • You can also go for Blogging/Vlogging with some perfect niche if you are interested in sharing ideas and thinking.
  • You can also be an active volunteer for an NGO
  • And there are so many common things like reading books, poetry, cooking, gardening, singing, etc.

Although there are a lot of productive things you may be capable of. All you need is to find and utilize it.

Employee’s Dream

Nearly every employee waits for the weekends after long & disenchanted working days. That weekend is like a sole tree in the burning desert. But fortunately, this lockdown brings that tree to your home.

You can now spend maximum time with your family. There is no ‘BOSS MAN’ or ‘BOSS LADY’ to interrupt you. What could possibly be better?

But still, it may be hard for some employees whose boss is extra haughty. You know exceptions are always there and only difficulty makes you better. You’ve got this.

Wife’s Dream

It’s sarcastic that what a wife wants from along time is happening in this way. An ideal wife always wants her husband to be on her side and help her in homemaking.

This might cause a stronger relationship between them as they get to know each other better than ever before or Viceversa(Just Saying again).

Earth’s Dream

Above all, the most important and crucial dream must come true, and luckily it’s happening.

We’ve done enough with this Earth. Now the tables have turned and it’s like a “to your face humans” thing. I know it’s been hard for us but there are ain’t any other options left. This is the only option we have left.

Probably 2020 has the worst start of any year. From the beginning, we’ve already faced a massive environmental crisis. Nearly 500 million animals were killed in Australia’s wildfire. Scientists already warned that the ‘Extinction crisis is decades in the making.

Environmental Crisis:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsdrqqIi6OY&t=12s

And now billions of people are locked up in the house. Earth needs some time to heal. Earth is taking a break so let it be.

It’s been hard for all of us. People are losing their jobs, health, and most importantly their lives. The world economy is going to crash. People are suffering worldwide. And still, there is a lot of other impacts we’ll see soon.

We got stuck in this together and we’ve gonna get through this together. But be optimistic and think Isn’t that what we all are looking for?

It’s like our dream come true. Life has given us a chance to live that dream. And this may be once in your lifetime. As I’ve already told you that these days will leave a great story to tell. And we have to make it the right one.

Stay Safe

Star At Home

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Ritish Sharma

Ritish Sharma is an author, editor, and creator of Aspiring Blog. He is dedicated to sharing unique and thought-provoking concepts through his writing and has a distinct perspective on various topics. His work is available for readers to enjoy.

View Comments

  • The kids who live on our street are certainly enjoying their dream, an early-and-long summer vacation from school!

  • I am one of those retired people who is busier that I was when I was working. CV19 had given me a chance to slow down and relax. I’m getting used to that now. Quite nice actually.

  • Yes this post is very true. We all dream of these changes and it has happened. I wish humans were more aware and would have reduced the wrong doings by themselves.

    Our planet could been much brighter and happier. But I am scared when this all ends and people get back on the streets. Everyone will start polluting again.

    But anyways we have to go by this.

    Do check out my blog. There are some great content pieces on travel and lifestyle. Follow if you feel like :). Thanks and have a great day blogging.

  • Yes this post is very true. We all dream of these changes and it has happened. I wish humans were more aware and would have reduced the wrong doings by themselves.

    Our planet could been much brighter and happier. But I am scared when this all ends and people get back on the streets. Everyone will start polluting again.

    But anyways we have to go by this.
    Do check out my blog. There are some great content pieces on travel and lifestyle. Follow if you feel like :). Thanks and have a great day blogging.

    • Thanks for your response. Whatever you said is entirely true. I would love to read your blogs too.

  • There are some positives. There is also less pollution. More time with families. Life is simpler now and a lot slower. I like the rest that I’m getting. My kids on the other hand are going crazy and they didn’t want to get out of school early

    • Thanks for visiting. I deeply appreciate your response. Take care of yourself and your children.

  • There’s definitely a positive side. It’s my dream to get rest and take life slower

  • Thanks for posting this. You’ve taken on a massive topic here. It’s been evident for awhile that the human population has burst its banks and needs to cut back dramatically to save the planet and possibly ourselves. The hard part of this is that no one wants people to lose their lives, particularly en masse like through the coronavirus. I am at high risk if I catch it, so our family is particularly withdrawn at home. Australia also shut down early and has so far missed a bullet.
    I was concerned about how our family will cope shut in the house together for so long. However, we’re getting on better than usual, although we tend to stick to our zones, but we still chat. The dogs are also happy we’re all here. More ball and stick throwers.
    My husband is still working full time from home.
    I have no idea where all this is heading but he clock into going back any time soon, no matter what Donald Trump might say.
    Best wishes,

    • Thanks Rowena. I deeply appreciate what you said. It's a major concern right now, nothing can be more imp but as I said we all are in this together and we've gonna get through this together. Till then Take care of yourself and your family too.
      Best wishes from myself too.

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