Middle-class People’s life is like a bowl of Spaghetti with somewhat exactly the same ingredients, long, thin, round noodles. Just like unfulfilled fantasy, empty Pocket, compulsion, abandonment, and ménage are some of the spices to make his life more thrilling with ups and downs. From the first cry to the last ride, one thing is common and that’s striving for success.
Once Bill Gates said, “If you are born poor it’s not your mistake, but if you die poor it’s your mistake” But what if I was born in the middle of it? What should I do then? There is no theory about it. The common middle-class man’s life is like a vibrant colour spectrum, and sometimes completely black & white. Sometimes happy, sometimes moderate, sometimes disconsolate. Very uncertain.
Who Are Middle-class People?
According to economics: A Middle class is a class of people who come in a hierarchy between the low working class and the upper working class. They could be professionals, civil servants, Daily wage earners, etc. Every country has a different way to measure Middle-Class people. Karl Marx referred to the Middle class as small business owners where capitalisms operate, as opposed to the working class he termed as Proletariat.
Signs That You’ve Made It To The Middle-Class
1. Financial Instability

One of the most common talks that I’ve always seen is related to savings, from where earnings will come? Dad shares his day, Mother discusses household work, and children like us just keep listening to them. Most of the children have to abandon their fantasies, their dewy eyes, and broken hearts, make every parent regretful. Every parent wants to fulfil the dreams of their little ones, and for that, they are always ready to sacrifice their own dreams. And I think this is as the red chilly spice of a common man’s life.
2. Vacations
It has some mixed emotions, in vacations often go to Nani’s house (my maternal Grandmother’s home) and sometimes a short road trip with my father and sometimes spend all the holidays playing gully cricket. But many a time, the plan got called off because Dad didn’t get leave from his office.
When we on to higher secondary school, the coaching Institute became our vacation point, a heavy syllabus to cover with loads of homework, ruined our felicity.
3. Dwelling
250 square feet house (or more), 2 bedrooms one for the guest, one for pooja Ghar (worshipped room), a small kitchen, and a common bathroom. This is the tour of a common man’s house. If more than 1 guest arrives then one room turns into a hall where all family has to adjust themselves. It seems to reconcile transiently but the moment turns to be ecstatic.
4. Adjustment
Fine-tuning in education, food, and desires is a conventional practice for us. We know how to save, reconcile, and regenerate. Saving a single penny for future purposes is our daily routine. In Economics according to the Keynesian theory of income determination Saving is Equal to Investment. But our theory is quite the opposite of Keynesian. We save so that we can have our basic needs, most of the savings are spent in marriages.
In India, we worship the daughter as a Laxmi(god of wealth) but ironically after the marriage of the daughter the whole saving is used and the father comes into debt. All thanks to ostentatious culture. We do a job along with our college to reduce the burden on our parents.
Yesterday, I was at an ATM and the view astounded me, the security guard was giving his examination along with his duty very honestly.

4. Education
Education is the powerful weapon which you can use to change the world
nelson mandela
This is so true Education makes our standard and helps in earning but it also needs some investment before. Our education has so many loopholes. Low-quality systems and infrastructure make it hard to get schooling from government schools so to keep up with the standard and due to societal pressure, the parents have to send their children to private institutions for better guidance.
But half of our parents’ income went off by paying tuition fees because of such a large amount of private institutions. And we are still out of work because of fewer jobs and tough competition. Every parent wants to make his child an IITian, MBBS, or Scientist and for that, there are 35% of students are depressed every year.
5. Friends
Middle-class people have a small friend circle but are very ardent towards their friends. In every house function, they always reached before the commencement of it to reduce the burden of his friend.
Apart from that, we are also very close to our first purchases from our father’s first salary scooter to mom’s first saree. And our collection of coins. My father still has an OLD BAJAJ SCOOTER which is kept in our garage safely, and my grandpa’s bullock cart which was his means of transportation at their epoch. Although these things are not used but kept as a memory, make us nostalgic.
6. Struggle

From the first cry to the last ride a middle class acquainted with all the patterns of emotions. Anger, anxiety, frustration to appreciation, adoration, and excitement, and then again swaying back to the bottom, are all daily routines.
We always persist in the next chapter after failure i.e., Success. Sometimes thirst for expansionism turns you askew like Harshad Mehta. Being so capable and genius the whole system and cartel of rich people let him down just because he comes from a middle-class family and was rising on his own. He made mistakes and was a defaulter but you can’t deny that he was a genius too.
Final Thoughts
Middle-class families are the most undervalued people, government provide benefits to white collars and the poor as well by the public distribution system. It’s the middle class that has no progress. It’s like we don’t even exist in the government’s eyes.
The common man earns definitely good but expenses squeeze all his income. High taxes, tuition fees, household items, functions, etc. and carrying burden throughout his life.
He is in a trap, in the striving for success many a time he defaults to the system. His life is relatable to climbing, imagine you want to climb up the hill but stones, weather, burdens, and competitors not letting you reach. You can’t go back because it can throw you into the chasm. The same is the life of the Middle class, better to be called a hanging loop.
And that’s all, how it is like being middle-class.
If you feel it relatable drop your views in a comment section below.
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November 8, 2020 at 8:49 am
Not as smooth as other posts. Still, interesting from your perspective.
Thank you.
November 8, 2020 at 2:23 pm
Thankyou for your feedback joanna
We will improve in future.
Stay with us😊
November 8, 2020 at 7:15 pm
relatable !!! beautifully scripted. keep going, keep growing.
November 8, 2020 at 7:57 pm
Thankyou Anna for encouraging us. Visit our other writes also😊
November 8, 2020 at 7:26 pm
Great ♥️
November 8, 2020 at 7:58 pm
Thankyou 😊
November 8, 2020 at 10:45 pm
Perhaps, you will be interested what make us humans and look up my literary post Part 2?
November 9, 2020 at 10:43 am
Sure i will
November 10, 2020 at 11:04 pm
Hey ,you have observed very well quality of middle class.
November 12, 2020 at 7:41 am
Indeed because I have experienced all what I mentioned.
Thankyou for coming😊
November 15, 2020 at 12:13 am
Very insightful. While I believe in hard work, I do not agree w/ the Bill Gates’ quote. There are many factors which keep the poor disadvantaged.
November 15, 2020 at 11:12 am
Indeed some are political and some has external disadvantages as well.
November 15, 2020 at 1:26 pm
Amazing facts of most of the middle class. You described each thing cristal clear. Glad to meet you here Ritish. Great post 🥰👍
November 15, 2020 at 8:34 pm
Thanks to you actually.
November 15, 2020 at 1:27 pm
Great p👍ost Deepak ji. Nice to meet you🥰
November 15, 2020 at 5:26 pm
Thankyou suma ji❤
November 27, 2020 at 6:29 pm
I cannot agree with Bill Gates quote. It is very unfair to say that if you die poor it is your fault as there are many things that conspire to keep people poor, things like looking after aged parents, putting siblings through college, illness, and the wish to live as a member of a community contributing to the general welfare of people and not going all out for the big buck. Sometimes to rise in society you have to repress your good feelings and be prepared to step on someone. So, Bill, good luck to you and spending your Billions, but when I read your story you didn’t exactly treat everyone well on your way up.
November 28, 2020 at 9:43 pm
Very well said. His quote is more theoretical in a way.
But being practical in life, it’s far from the reality. Only people with lack of money knows how things going.
I always say that Money really can buy you happiness, if it spent well. Do consider reading our that post too. I hope you’ll like it.
And thankyou for giving your time.
January 3, 2021 at 2:00 am
I have to say I disagree with the Bill Gates quote. He makes it seem like the only lives that mattered are the ones that made a shed load of money. That’s wrong for many a reason. First because no matter how much money you have, it doesn’t make you a better person. You could be raking it in thousands by the hour, but it doesn’t make you a worthwhile person to be around. And besides, not everyone has the chances and opportunities to get ahead. I think he himself is so invested in his own money that he can’t seem to find anything more worth having he defines himself and his success by his own money, and hence he does the same to everyone else. It’s really ignorant to say things like that, because if we had our way we would all be millionaires living in mansions, and it’s not our fault if we’re not. He thinks that money is the only cause of happiness, where in reality it’s the smallest moments in life. It doesn’t have to include owning mansions and cars. And besides, if people look into his life, he got rich at the expense of others.
January 3, 2021 at 8:46 am
Perhaps I’ll agree with you cherry that happiness cannot purchases by Money, sometimes a daily wage earner seems to be more than happy then a billionaire. But the post wasn’t about poor and millionaire (again we end up in between poor and rich) it was just about the flaws in life of middle class, that is the most ignorant society of our world.
Thankyou for giving time reading this cherry.
Well, here’s the suggested read for you- ‘Money really can buy you happiness’
January 3, 2021 at 5:03 pm
Oh, I know. I was just making the point that I don’t agree with the quote from Bill Gates. I wasnt commenting on the entirety of the post, just that quote.
Also I’m not sure if I’m misunderstanding you, but are you saying that the middle class are the most ignorant out of all other groups?
January 3, 2021 at 9:32 pm
No not at all, even I will also do a little research on the bill gate’s quote.
And Yep the middle class are the only one which I think are the most ignorant group in the eye of whether govt or a media. They are the most less discussed groups in the world.
But really Thankyou for understandin.
January 3, 2021 at 11:16 pm
They’re seen as ignorant, but I don’t think they really are. We can’t help but end up where we are, and sometimes people do things because are trying to help others. For example parents might move to a first world country to give their children opportunities, and so they’re stuck as middle class. That doesn’t make them ignorant, they are actually selfless. Anyways, thanks for discussing it, its important to be aware of all people, no matter how far we’ve come 😊
January 4, 2021 at 8:11 pm
Well, there can be many aspects for looking a middle class as you are looking way different than me, and it’s also may vary between countries.
But thankyou for having such a interesting discussion.☺
January 4, 2021 at 8:23 pm
That’s also true- middle class in one country would be very different to middle class in another country. If you’re middle class in a first world country, where many of the people are quite rich, you would be considered of higher class were you in a lower income country.
Thank you for discussing 😊
January 3, 2021 at 2:24 am
Mind you, we have to be absolutely sue that Bill Gates did actually say this. There are so many liars out there now spreading fake news and fake quotations that it’s unsafe to take anything at face value. In my own life I check everything thoroughly before I act upon it. In the blog here I don’t have time for that so presume it’s all true but is it???
January 3, 2021 at 8:55 am
There are no limitations of fake rumours, I thoroughly check about that quote before making such points, but that was not about bill gates (perhaps he’s is completely wrong about it). It was about the middle class and as I mentioned in my post no one talks about them. Maybe it wasn’t the right quote to act upon but you should read what I’m trying to say (in context of that quote) That’s it.
Anyway Thankyou for taking your time reading this.
February 26, 2021 at 2:07 pm
If the life of middle class people is spaghetti then this blog is a mix veggie soup of how is the life of a middle class family!😃👍
February 26, 2021 at 3:44 pm
Hahaha, what a compliment!! If this blog is a mix veg soup then your compliment is the extra added taste 😃