Life Events

Is Warfare The Only Solution?


Warfare or we can say a way to prove oneself powerful and victorious is also a method to assuage self-esteem. We all have fought with someone in our early days. Recall your childhood when was the last time you fought with your siblings or with your friends.

That time your elder brother or sister punches you for some kind of mischief or as fun. But, what was your counter-attack? Did you retaliate? Had you gone and punched back someone more powerful than you ( your elder) or did you find someone who could do justice?

Siblings fight

I think you would not go to fight back until you hold the same power and position. The only option you have is to reach out to your Father. Now, what your father will do? Will he scold your elder? Though he could slap him. But, he will definitely find a way to build better communication between you and your elder. He will also teach you a lesson about humanity and friendship because he knows that this misunderstanding may lead to many problems for both of you in the future.

Now, assume another thing, suppose while playing on the society ground one bully boy came and snatched your ball. And, you on the other hand wanted to fight but could not, because you lacked power.

Your friends provoked you and you somehow gathered courage and went on to fight only to be crushed by him badly in return. At last, your mother intervened. She did not just bring your ball back but also gave you moral support to fight these kinds of situations.

As a grown-up today, when we relate this situation with the world we see we are enough mature but still fighting like a cats and dogs. Everyone is busy blaming each other. Sincerity has been lost. What is the need to be this harsh on others? In Mahabharata, an Indian religious book it is written that β€œone should always follow the path of β€˜Dharma’. Dharma is above then any religion and one should always do what is right.β€œ

Dharma means a code of proper conduct conforming to one’s duty and nature or an individual’s duty fulfilled by observance of custom or law. What is our Dharma/ Duty in the world? Where do we stand now? What’s the message we are giving to the world giving during the current warfare?

Is War Really that Necessary?

War is a state of conflict of interest between two countries or a conflict of opinions. It is a method to attain peace in the mainland of the country. The irony is war is a method to bring peace but that peace comes at a huge price. The price could be a loss of the life of millions of civilians or huge economic losses. It not only costs humans but also our companions like forests, habitats, species, etc.

War is a method to save the mainland from invaders. History tells many countries fought for their mainland and regained it from invaders. We can also say that saving the land from invaders is a part of saving the dignity and cultures of those who want to destroy it.

Ego Comes Between War

Some also do battle to satisfy their ego and want to be β€˜king of kings’ always. But what they don’t realize is that their ego is hurting millions of people around the globe. Martin Luther King once said, β€œWe Have Guided Missiles And Misguided Manβ€œ. Here he wants to say that ego is superior to humanity. Technology becomes more obedient to the person instead who has invented it.

What’s Next After The War?

When two different ideas conflict with each other, major destruction occurs. It’s a universal fact. Cultivated land turns into a barren area, big buildings turn into hollow ruins, and roads become deserted. The playground where children used to play and claim their kind of possession was left with bullet shells and weapons.

War can give the feeling of mastery to the winning country but in reality, the war only left harsh memories that’ll be remembered for ages. Massive bloodshed and destruction bring fear to the victims and they can’t come out from this fear for many years. People lose the homeland where they were born and are compelled to take shelter under refugee tents. Children lose their parents, thousands of people become single-owned families, and many pets are waiting for their owners and they die of hunger.

I remembered a scene from an animated movie about Ramayana (Hindu Religious Book), there was a conversation between Lord Ram and Lord Laxman about the rule of warriors and war. Lord Laxman asked his elder brother Lord Ram:- β€œHow Could You Cremate The Body Of Our Enemies Along With Those of Our Soldiers”?

Lord Ram replied:- β€œDear brother they were our men and enemy’s men while they were alive but In Death, they are no longer enemies. Do they not deserve a solemn cremation?”

Lord Laxman:- β€œIt is not like a true warrior. A true warrior should move away from such emotions.β€œ

Lord Ram:- β€œWhen we set out of this expedition I too was full of anger and bitterness. But on the journey to Lanka, I have come to see that all of us have received the precious gift of life from God. It is more important to be just a good human being than a good warrior. Have not all of us sprung from the same source? But some of us in ignorance draw our bows and swords against our fellow creatures. Many have fallen to this war today and many more will die before the war is done. As a warrior, I should continue to fight the battle but when I burn the dead I should pray the world is free from all the wars. And a man doesn’t raise this hand in anger against his brother”.

Source – Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama

Can War Be Eliminated?

We never truly be certain about any happening of future wars. But according to Stockholm, the total global military expenditure rose to 1981 billion dollars last year (2020), an increase of 2.6 %. The number is kept on increasing every year. What does this indicate? Are we heading somewhere, maybe extinction?

It’s obvious that some want to save their territory and some are here making money by selling warheads because fear of attack is something that pushes the weak countries to expend much more on weapons and military than on their people.

There is nothing wrong with saving the mainland from invaders. Everyone has the right to save their territory and fight for their people. However, if there will no chaos and conflict of interest between countries so war may not happen. But it is also true that if someone will not war or at least cold war how the Economy of other countries will boost?

β€œEverything Is Fair In Love And Warβ€œ, I heard this quote multiple times in my life but today I really felt this looking at the current scenario between Russia and Ukraine. I’ll not blame any country for what’s happening but I can blame the humans living in this world together for centuries.

As long as greed is stronger there will always be sufferings.

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Deepak Joshi

Deepak Joshi is a Writer and a Co-founder of Aspiring Blog. He writes about the social norms that are very less discussed in society. He also writes about certain Life-events and fascinating & compelling real-life stories. You can find his work on his author's page.

View Comments

  • The actual fighting of a war is but the tip of an iceberg... below the surface is the cause... GREED... and those who care not for the lives of any of the combatants... they stroke the fires of hate for the love of war, so they can provide the means of death... for a price...!

    • Indeed, Greed is something that leads to hatred and eventually war. War brings destruction and harsh memories only, which will proudly affect next few decades.

  • Warfare has grown out of the hubris of men, the commanders of spiritual and secular power. This (martial law) recognizes no morality.

    In my early days I lost most fights. Fighting my siblings or my (enemies) still leaves me with a stale feeling.

    Justice, love, trust are words like any other, they promise much and deliver nothing.

    This time your older brother or sister hits you for something

    What you think about me I; I cannot know another person's evil and good side. I am an imperfect human.

    my father said to me
    You are nothing
    you become nothing
    You're going to the madhouse
    or to jail

    my mother
    in the madhouse
    to family therapy
    told me in front of the assembled company

    my (son) she said
    doesn't believe in god
    or he has a pus tooth

    my life lesson is:
    the bad and the good people
    are equally of the indivisible human dignity

    I've failed my whole life
    mainly because of my goals, which I could not keep up with

    When I hit a comrade next door
    his father came with his family in front of the house to present the lawsuit

    my father: hit my son back in reply

    The spiritual have the eternal teaching as dogma in their heads
    with the prompt (one does not exist) should always do the right thing
    people often only know what is right or wrong afterwards

    The law of the soul
    Soul and spirit are within us, not out there
    gives us through her mouthpiece
    the dream, every human being the task of new insight

    we are nature in nature
    our duty is to live and respect the indivisible human dignity
    the hubris of general violence bounce off our messages of peace and non-violence

    War is the method of defending accumulated wealth
    with their bare hands, women and children are at the mercy of the war without any protection

    life (through our mothers) wants to pass on life
    with the (ego of a spiritual) "I had a dream, we will overcome everything"
    I have no arguments against it

    The ego has been (released) from the soul
    pure autonomous reason thinks itself transcended and overcome with its logic of the soul

    The fallen, the innocent children and women, guard themselves in silence in death.

    Our life is a gift of nature, we are nature.

    Justice and love are words like any other, meaning nothing.

    We need to edit our shadow. I distance myself from the (leader) who wages a war against his followers, but I cannot blame people who have lived before us for millennia.

    • Your story says many things. At first, you are not failed in your life, whatever you achieve is your experience. As you said, our life is the gift of nature, we are nature, and believing in ourselves is a part of it.
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.
      God bless you

      • Failure helped me
        with my beliefs
        not to become overbearing

        the soul
        to me
        through the insights in the dream
        the better
        to try
        on every day

        I am an old man
        I have to go back soon
        into the earth
        i am not bitter
        i am thankful for my life

  • Tragically, the wisdom of the Hindu religious books are lost on egoistic men seeking perpetual power over others.

    • Hindu religious books teach us the fact which helps us to find the true meaning of life. Even all of the religious books teach wisdom and make a person a good human being. But in the modern world, all these things are lost in front of technology and ego.

  • The Russian people are at the mercy of Putin, his greed, and his propaganda. Both the Russian citizens and the Ukrainian citizens are victims of Putin's aggression.

  • Greed, Pride. concerns for personal interests all are part of our mortal, human condition. Wars historically have dessimated millions .destroyed the planet and animal species. It always seems unending as the change must come from within., The aggression of a powerful and often mentally irresponsible dictator will only be overcome by a power and Wisdom GREATER and higher than his. We all are responsible for own souls eternity and ONE HIGHER THAN all humanity is still saying where will their souls find eternal PEACE. When will all warfare finally END? There is an ending in the Christian Bible but many still have not read that fully. I have no answer but DIVINE LOVE and prayer and soul PEACE in the midst of this suffering scenario. I speak Love and Peace and HOPE to you.

    • Warfare can only end when there will no longer be ego and greed stands. But it is not possible nowadays, everyone is thinking to get more and suppressing the poor. Both world war brings massive massacre and destruction but still, the world doesn't learn from them. We all are heavily spending on military and weapons, which means still their war the fear of war alive and I can't imagine the future.
      Hope the peace will bring soon.

  • β€œMaybe Putin got bored in the lockdown, and just want to check his power.β€πŸ˜„

    There is talk running on between Ukrane and Russia on 15 points.

    I hope they come to a recovering solution.

    It's almost a month since this war started. Ukrainians are strong to counter the enemy.

    Incidents in the Ramayana, the Mahabharata and the Geeta have answers to war causes;

    and how to solve them. It's a wise decision to take guidance from them.

    LET THE CONVERSATIONS BEGIN. I'll tell you why β€”

    Even if you fight with a classmate – stronger than you – in the class – he or she can be your friend.

    But first we need to talk. β€œInterests play a deeper role.”

    Thank you for writing the post, Deepak.

    • We can only stop our fight unless someone else is not bullying our opponent, there must be a talk between two people who are fighting not the whole class will solve our issue.
      Here in Ukraine and Russia we also want to have a peace talk and hope everything resolves soon.

  • a wonderful post Deepak.. sad but true. hoping beyond hope! πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸŒ»πŸ™

  • Yeah, if the dharma was involved in any way whatsoever, there would be no war. The greed that powers the war machine would have no fertile ground and would never bloom. Well, maybe one day...

    • Yes, Dharma directs us to use our rights wisely. Greed is bigger than any humanitarian work. We all are just praying for no further loss in the future.

  • Beautiful article ! Actually we don't have any idea what Putin wants may be he wants to change the whole administration system of Ukraine but whatever it is no one wants war because covid had done a mess now this war! Let's hope it will stop soon. Well shared thanksπŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ‘Œ

    • Indeed, covid has weakened the whole world's economy. Putin's aggression towards Ukraine is heartbreaking but it's not a single-handed Putin fault. Many powers have provoked the war and now they just become a birdwatcher.
      Thank you for your review 😊

  • I will continue to pray. Dharma? My dharma. to be reminded that even if there is much. Icannot control... I will not let others decide who I am. we must strive for something better. Have a good reason of your week. Donna

    • Striving for better is a good thing you follow. Dharma for me is always doing better for people and should follow humanity.
      Thank you for visiting.

  • "War does not decide who is right; but only who is left".
    I agree with you. It's never a solution to anything.

  • We all have the right to defend ourselves. I don't believe there is a country and very few people that would disagree with that. There are beliefs that practice non-violence, but as a whole, even beliefs/religions are involved or actually the reason for most armed conflicts. Is there another answer? If history is any indication, then the answer seems to be no, as long as "man" runs things.

    • Certainly, the right to self-defense is widely acknowledged. However, the complex interplay of beliefs, religions, and historical patterns suggests that conflicts often involve more than just individual self-defense.

Published by
Deepak Joshi

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