
Men never cry. As said by society, but they haven’t told Are they talking about real men? Because I know they do.

Today I don’t have any story to tell but I think being a real man is (muscular) itself a story and sometimes it becomes a curse. It is said that no one can understand women, but I think being a man itself a mystery.

According to Wikipedia:- A male organism is the physiological sex that produces sperm. Each spermatozoon can fuse with a larger female gamete, or ovum, in the process of fertilization, or in common language is called “mard/mardangni/muscular“

According to society:- A muscular human being full of energy, whose responsibility started when he is born, a strong human being who never cries and can keep his secret inside for a long time, but if he explores secrets deep inside him then he is Namard(no man).

In this world, mard/muscular man is identified by his sexual powers or desires, how many girls he can hold for a single time? or what is the duration during sex? how strongly he can fight with people.

But if a man denies doing the same so the comments like “Bina bandook ki goli kis kaam ki” (what is the point of an unloaded gun) are taunted by the society to them, whether the intention of not doing the same is might be to respect the girl or he doesn’t want to embarrass his/her family.

Isn’t it these things are too quick to conclude the identity of a man?

5 points to describe the struggle of a ‘Real Man’

1. Keep Secrets

A man has been taught from an early age that you are not a man if you will cry and share your problems with others. Solve your problems on your own. Society has made a taboo that the man who shares the problem is of weak heart and society started laughing over them.

It is found that over 70% to 80% of men looses their life by cardiac arrest, which has caused by unhealthy food, smoking, and stress.

2. Weakness

A man’s biggest weakness or fear is his family when he entered into a life of responsibility, he is directly bound with the responsibility of his children, wife (a girl who was the princess of someone and now keeping her same is his duty) for making their life happy and full of joy. Sometimes they have to leave their home and work for their family. Recently I clicked this picture that really compelled me to write this post.

a man struggling to fulfill his family’s dream. And we covered this topic in one of our previous blogs

3. Appearance

Having a muscular body, good looks, health and wealth, heavy beard on his face is the identity of men according to our society, even in my country in many fields the selection is done according to their beards. Like in some Security forces, extra remuneration is paid according to the mustaches policy.

An identity of muscularity.

But what if someone doesn’t have a beard? Is he not a real man?

4. Impact of pseudo feminism:-

Feminism is the advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes, but who knows it can cost someone’s life, allegations, or hate.

Some people have taken feminism so wrong that honest and innocent people also came under the trap and they couldn’t even handle the situation and committed suicide

Check out this story – Gurugram schoolboy commits suicide after girl levels allegations on him on Instagram

Although, It is true that most of the rapes are attempted by men. But if there is a law for a man so a law to save thousands of innocent men who got trapped in this world or fake feminism should also be made.

This is also heartbreaking that even after the suicide attempts by a man, still the society will blame or say that how the weak man was he, couldn’t handle the situation and taunt him like “such a weak man, he can’t be my son/husband/father, he doesn’t have guts “


Our society has come from a long journey now women also have equal rights, they can also work like a man, can feed their families, and help their husbands. This is the society we always wanted where everyone has equal respect, where everyone holds equal rights.

5. He Must Fight

Being muscular is the identity of men, whole society thinks that a man must guard his family with his muscles, but if anyone doesn’t fight society makes him a coward, but the reality is that he values the family more than being a superhero because once a rival always harms by any means.

Who is a Real Man?

  • If a man is taking care of his family and a woman is working outside so is he not a man? Yes, He is. Moreover, he is a good husband and a good father.
  • If he is in the kitchen and making food for his family rather than working outside so it means he is a good cook and can take care of his family better than anyone else.
  • If he is committing suicide this means the allegations are more dangerous than his tolerance.
  • If he is not keeping secrets and crying in front of you this doesn’t mean that he is weak, this shows that he believes in you more than anyone else and has a soft heart.

Yes, men can cry, men can share, and allegations affect them, please don’t make assumptions. And if a man is not showing muscularity so it doesn’t mean he is a coward, he is wise and he thinks more about his family rather than his muscularity.

One must know the true meaning of Gentlemen.

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Deepak Joshi

Deepak Joshi is a Writer and a Co-founder of Aspiring Blog. He writes about the social norms that are very less discussed in society. He also writes about certain Life-events and fascinating & compelling real-life stories. You can find his work on his author's page.

View Comments

  • Called by to leave my thanks for your recent decision to follow Learning from Dogs. Thank you!

  • I saw my father with tears when I used to leave my mother’s home going to ‘sasural’.

  • Nice insights. It's a gift to be in touch with all facets of human emotions and know that are not us. It allows us to access our deeper selves with more connection.

  • Emotions are something that can make someone strong or weak, the problem lies how we can control it. In fact we can't even control some in built emotions.
    and thanks for read❀

  • Congratulations Deepak! I have nominated you for the Kennedy Award of Excellence! Please see my latest blog post for details! I look forward to reading your response to the questions upon acceptance of the award! 😃🙏💛👊🎉

  • Men should cry when they need to without judgement. To say strong men don’t is severely outdated. Everyone needs to vent. Holding out emotions in may lead to illness and making terrible life choices.

    • I am agree with you, but this society has make this a taboo which provoking them to do suicidal attempts even in recent case our country young rising star come under this trap ,,why? Because of this shame and still many people and talking that he his weak man he can't do? But no one talking why this discrimination.. im sorry but this is a sad reality of our so called fake society.

      • True. African-American women deal with this too. Society won’t allow her to feel or show feelings. If she has no support system, she has to go through it alone. Society isn’t all it is cracked up to be. We all have to manage. Even if it means going somewhere privately to 😱.

  • I have always preferred men of intellect, integrity, and humanity. Muscles are OK, but not the main goal in life.

    • Yes, absolutely right men have lot of different qualities also in spite of the muscles we have to conquer that and im glad u understand men ,thanks for sharing your views

  • Bonjour mon Ami Amie

    MĂȘme si ce n'est que du virtuel

    Prenons un café ensemble et discutons d'un monde meilleur
    OĂč rĂšgne le bonheur

    Discutons de nos souhaits
    Qu'ils se réalisent

    Discutons d'avoir une grande maison
    ou tous ensemble , amis du monde , on se rassemblera chaque saison

    RĂȘvons d'une nouvelle sociĂ©tĂ© de paix
    OĂč chacun de nous aura son nid

    RĂȘvons d'un monde paisible
    OĂč l'on oubliera les soucis les plus pĂ©nibles

    RĂȘvons ensemble de ce futur
    OĂč l'on effacera le passĂ© le plus dur

    Partageons d'un sourire Ă©ternel
    en survolant l'immense ciel ou la joie sera pure

    Tu vois mon ami , amies du monde
    je dĂ©pose un petit peu de bonheur dans le creux de ton cƓur, te souhaiter ce qu'il y a de meilleur

    bonne fin de journée bisous Bernard

    • Je me sens mieux aujourd'hui aprĂšs ce beau poĂšme.
      Merci beaucoup pour ton message.
      Et comment ça va
      Qu'est ce que vous fassiez aujourd'hui ?
      Bonne journée.
      Et Merci pour visiter. 😉

  • The men I have loved, my father, my husbands, and my significant other have all cried in my presence. I’m glad they didn’t feel the need to hide their tears from me. It is not a sign of weakness for a man to cry. It is a sign of authenticity.

    • Well said ,, and i sure that if they are expressing themselves so that means they really love you and you understand them more than anyone else. I’m happy that you are with them, god bless your family 😊 Do visit again

  • a very great post. society keeps on changing its acceptable norms. These have no meaning. Men don’t cry is more symbolic of a display of weakness. That shouldn’t happen because it worsens a bad situation. Your post is very good

    • Aspiringblog appreciates your valuable words, this is true image of society that they always bully men who cry or show their feelings,we really respect you and your thinking😊

  • Violence against men by women is not so seldom but a complete taboo theme which would require also some attention.

    • Indeed, in our society pesudo feminism intentionally hurts many men physically and mentally, this is a very good point. Much appreciated 🙂

  • Well typed!
    I do believe many forms of feminism within groups of women seem to be wanting to nearly destroy the masculine, which is very much needed, and especially today with people becoming so whiny about everything. Many people actually need to tap into their masculine side & toughen up a little bit. : )

Published by
Deepak Joshi

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