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Why Moderation In All Things Is Good?


β€˜More is not better.’ I’ve heard this so many times. Of course, something in excess is definitely not a nice move. But let me say β€˜Less is not better’ too. Isn’t it? Moderation in all things can be a good choice.

The concept of equilibrium in economics can be practiced in human life as well. Not less, not more, just a perfect. The perfect blend of everything, whether or not it’s about career, habit, exercising, relationship money, laugh, happiness & considerably everything.

The key to satisfaction can be found in the moderation in all things without extreme and deprivation, not black or white just grey.

In a way, the positive influence in human life depends on the way we pursue things and the proportion that we implement them in our life.

Like, some people are overworked and kept themselves busy all the time which generally makes them feel stressed and worried over time. In parallel, people who are underworked get bored easily which makes them feel even more anxious and sluggish. Those people also get trapped in a time loop where every day feels the same.

So isn’t it right if we find that equilibrium between work and ease? The moderation of not to get bored or feel sluggish and not overwhelmed by tasks & sufferings.

It is not uncommon to say that our brain and the nervous system need an optimal level of adrenaline that can effectively boost our notions and performance. Be a little nervous and a little excited.

The Trap Of Excess and Deprivation

We have a tendency to see things in black and white representing good and bad like vegetables are good and pasta & chocolates are bad. The tendency to view grey is overlooked so easily as everything in this world is divided among excess and deprivation.

We don’t work to build the habit of getting the optimal level of emotions and everything we practice and do as human beings. Instead, we keep moving back and forth in the point above & below the moderation.

This trap between the two worlds of excess and deprivation often keeps the boundaries all around us. Either we see things in an extreme way or won’t see them at all. This extreme behavior at one point leads to unhappiness and downfall.

We live in a society where pleasure-seeking is a primacy. Nothing comes close when we think about living a happy life. The hunger for getting more & more never ends as the definition of success keeps changing over time and we unknowingly keep chasing it.

This may also limit the possibilities to please ourselves because we are constantly looking out at the world for more. The ignorance of moderation and seeking extra has become the regular thing. What we don’t realize is that we can have the same satisfaction with the right balance in life.

The idea of moderation is nothing new. It has been followed for centuries by wise individuals and groups. The concept of β€˜Balance is the wholenessβ€˜ is been practiced by people and no doubt they do get fulfillment and eternal happiness, as history clearly says.

From economics to marketing, from debates to the conclusions, from theories to perspectives, from concepts to the fact, from significance to insignificance, from you to the whole world, and of course the universe, the balance is everywhere.

Even in the cartoon, do you remember that line from Oswald β€œTwo marshmallows not more nor less”?

Everything beyond the point of moderation is considered to be bad for you as an individual.

Drinking alcohol occasionally with friends and families doesn’t make you alcoholic unless you are a regular drinker and remains always high. It is obvious that it is likely to result in alcoholism, health problems, and mislaying life quality.

The same goes for the saying of β€˜Money can’t buy you happiness.’ Because actually, it does. You can’t deny that having the right amount of money and the way we spend it is actually decides our happiness.

The Goldilocks Principle

According to Wikipedia – TheΒ Goldilocks principleΒ is named by analogy to the children’s story β€˜The three Bearsβ€˜ in which a young girl named Goldilocks tastes three different bowls of porridge and finds she prefers porridge that is neither too hot nor too cold but has just the right temperature.

The β€œJust the right amount” concept is now applied in a wide range of disciplines, including human psychology, nature, economics, marketing, and on and on.

The effect or principle has taken different definitions in different fields but the analogy is the same for all – β€˜Neither too simple nor too complex.’

You’ve heard plenty of time to appreciate what we already have, but what does this actually signify? Does it even make sense?

The inclination to work hard is meritorious but pushing yourself too hard for excessively long will inescapable cause a decline of both mental and physical well-being.

Don’t eat too much, don’t eat too little

Don’t overwork. don’t underwork

Don’t sit idle, don’t get busy every minute of your life

Don’t get addicted to social media, don’t be unsocial

Just know the right amount that brings balance, so that you don’t fall.

Everything In Moderation, Including Moderation

This quote by Oscar Wilde opens up very intriguing facts and obvious human traits, the quote simply signifies that moderation may generally be the right way, but it’s alright to lessen the extreme of moderation too.

There are certain things that are better in less than moderation like unwelcome social norms and the things that can be taken more than moderation. Though the concept of moderation is about never giving up or fully giving in. But it’s alright and even better if certain things are in your control and work best overall as per the need and priority.

Sometimes you have to take it easy on bad stuff too.

The concept of Everything in Moderation is based on a generalized concept and should be practiced as it seems appropriate. However, it doesn’t indicate the fact that some things are totally dependent on our inner self and ethics that should be done irrespective of the level of moderation advice.

it’s alright if you want to fully give up meat or alcohol, perhaps that is best for you to do so.

After all, it is just advice, and advice may resonate with one person while it might not make sense to others. We all are unique and require different solutions. So, it’s up to you to identify as people are going to recommend the one that has done well for them.

Therefore, it is right to say – Everything in moderation including moderation, but you must know your best and the fine line between good & bad.

So, What do you think about it? Is it right to perform all the things in moderation? Or, is it alright if something goes less or beyond the point?

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Ritish Sharma

Ritish Sharma is an author, editor, and creator of Aspiring Blog. He is dedicated to sharing unique and thought-provoking concepts through his writing and has a distinct perspective on various topics. His work is available for readers to enjoy.

View Comments

  • I understand your concerns but did you ever met a person doing things for others unhappy or bored?
    I have not!!

    Thank you.


    • Maybe there are, it just we haven't met them yet.
      We never know what is happening on someone's brain.
      But I got your point.
      Thank-you Joanna.

      Have a great week

  • Great post! Taking responsibility for self discipline in ALL things is often the most important life lesson to be mastered.. Moderating behavioral patterns often leads to moderation in all things that pertain to a quality life.

    • It's indeed an important lesson, the concept of moderation seems too be complex at firstly but often It's really simple.

      Thank-you Faye for your wise words. Much appreciated

  • Such a very very fascinating post! The Goldilock’s principle sums it so well. Intriguing topic overall! πŸ‘Œ

    • Hi Dennis, I too trying to be moderate in certain aspects that I think shoube be done for the good of myself and others as well.

      Thanks for the comment.
      Have a great week

  • With most of this I heartily agree. "Let your moderation be known unto all men." Philippians 4:5 (KJV) Even Wilde's cute quote is true. (Hey, a even a stopped clock is right twice a day! πŸ˜„) Citing Paul again as our example, he was not moderate at all in his devotion to Jesus: See Philippians 3:13-14 for his obsession.
    However, money cannot buy happiness, even in moderation.
    "You can’t deny that having the right amount of money and the way we spend it is actually decides our happiness."
    But I DO deny this. The way we spend money does NOT decide our happiness. It may contribute to it; it may affect it, but one can be happy even in prison as the Apostle Paul illustrated in Philippi or Betsy ten Boom showed in the POW camp in which she died in WW2. (See The Hiding Place.)

    • Thanks for agreeing with most of the things.
      And for the money thing, I mean to say that money can really buy you a happiness, if spend the right way. Doesn't matter if the happiness is short lived, the reason and to know the context why I said this, I've shared this story in one of my blog. I've already given the link in the blog.

      But I do get your point. And its alright, if you don't agree. Overall, its a debatable topic.

      Thanks for the comment.

  • Great post. I do agree a lot of things are best done in moderation, balance. Though there are certain things where you have to aim for highest. In this case, highest could mean wholeheartedly. You give of your whole self. No moderation. Things like marriage, spiritual life(Pastors, priests,...), Generally people in service. For those things to work, the person is expected to give their all. Selflessly. I know it maybe kinda cruel on the individual, given how ungrateful the world is but in those circumstances, no less is expected.

    • Agreed. That's why it is said, moderation in all thing, including moderation.
      There are certain things where we can go above the point as thats the best to do. However, it becomes more important to identify those 'certain' things.

      Thanks for the comment.

  • Yes! Moderation. Take this morning, for example. Hubby is down when all we get is oatmeal for breakfast. So I made him one half of a bagel with cream cheese on it. Then, after he ate the first bagel half and was digging his way through the oatmeal he goes, "Could you make me one more bagel half?"
    Aaaarrrgghhhhh! No! The point is to just eat one, and you shouldn't even be eating that!!! lol !!!

    • Haha!
      C'mon give him one more πŸ˜…
      I love bagel too. There are something that meant to be eat without any laws and facts 🀣
      Your husband knows it very well.

      Thanks for the cute comment and for making me smile today.

  • Great post Ritish! Moderation is key. sometimes we have to push but then get back in balance!πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘

  • Thought provoking, Ritish. I love the quote "Everything in moderation, including moderation." That's new to me! You are right - we are all unique, and therefore have varying needs, desires, and views of the world, so "moderation" means something different to all. I believe we should take responsibility for our lives & decide what's best for us on every level each day. To me, that's a better practice than always striving for moderation. Have a blessed weekend, my friend! 🌞

    • You are certainly right.
      We are at different stages of life, and everything we do everyday should be based on responsibilities.
      Moderation in everything is a good practise, even though we must believe our instincts and difference between right and wrong.

      Thanks for sharing this wisdom here. Have a great week ahead.

  • Great article Ritish about finding that right "balance".. As you say "everything in moderation". Something I try to live by. I enjoyed reading this!

    • Glad you enjoyed, Bernie.
      Everything in moderation 'including moderation'. Hope you're able to find that right balance in your life.
      Have a great week!

  • This is really true. Excess or too little of something tends to be a problem.
    Unfortunately moderation and balance tend to be values that are not very easy to learn, but everyday we work towards perfection.

  • Moderate the most well.

    You have improved your content usability. As a friend, follower and well-wisher I feel happy for you.😊

  • Couldn't agree more... moderation is key to striving the perfect balance in all aspects of life πŸ‘πŸ‘

  • Great reminder to do things in moderation, especially this time of the year. I believe though that we should care and love in abundance, that can but only lead to overflowing of goodness in this world

    • It such a good comment. This time is the perfect time to discover the balance after all the chaos happened for couple of years.
      Though love and goodness can be in abundance. I agree.

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