We have many people in our surroundings who feel it problematic while expressing their emotions and thoughts. I won’t say that they are introverts, they are just not good at expressing themselves. Well, it’s not troublesome, but a habit of less talkativeness or expressing themselves becomes difficult for them occasionally.

Albeit, not everyone person can be the same but the world has different opinions for the unexpressive people. It is true that expressions play a key role in the transmission and make understanding easier. But if a person has a good heart and is helpful also, but can’t express himself properly, should we have the right to gauge them?

I hope you are well aware of our new launch of ‘Roundtable’ (It’s a discussion page where you can write about your personal opinions). For more information visit Roundtable. Here one of our participants- ‘Ridhi‘ wrote about the Downside of being unexpressive, and she mentioned some amazing points regarding it.

For instance, she said being an unexpressive person makes their life miserable and occasionally bleak also. Does it make her in a quandary of What to say about? and How to say it? I think this happens to most of us also. And that’s bound me to write about it. From what she said about Unexpressiveness, you can visit the downside of being unexpressive.

What An Inexpressive person looks like?

Before we go further let’s just look at the identity of unexpressive persons. They are also the same as us but they have less habit of talking. They keep the things within themselves but have good observation.

Naturally, they believe in realities rather than speaking nonessential. They might be pure-hearted emotional and kind. I am obvious that these people have a different vision for looking at the world. Then why their temperament is reckoned?

They definitely have empty space inside them which we generally ignores or can’t see.

Because everyone loves gratitude, we love gossips, relationship building, etc. But who is bad in expressing oneself might be failed to do so. But I don’t think that this defined somebody’s overall personality. Now, let’s talk over the difficulty inexpressive people confronted in their day-to-day life.

Everyday Struggles of Inarticulate Person

The problem in Communication and Expression

Expressing oneself
Expression is the key to communication

Expressing our beliefs & emotions is an essential part of communication. With good communication, we can express our thoughts, ideas, and feelings. However, who are bad in it makes it troublesome for them, people speculate them to egotistical, heinous, and don’t give ample attention to them. I think this is enough to make anyone dismal.

Relationship Building Becomes Puzzling

A healthy relationship starts with a healthy conversation. Everyone loves to feel special especially when your date is sitting in front of you. Romantic talks, gifts, gratitude, a decent sense of humor are often practices usually used on many dates. However, what if a reserved person is not good at showing feelings with their date?

It will create a nasty resemblance which might cultivate misconceptions and could make a relationship vulnerable. But I think for a healthy relationship, we need to look more and dig deep, and I will discuss it later.

Feeling Of Loneliness

Most of the tongue-tied people seem to be alone. Although they also have a friend circle, again due to lack of expressions, they feel chocked inside their mind. They often failed to reflect emotions in front of others. That feeling of loneliness makes them think that they are alone. Do you know? There’s a difference between Being Alone & Being Lonely.

It is often noticed that in a most serious situation while others are crying or soothing, they seem to be normal and stagnant which burst out their feeling and rupture their heart.

They Can be persecuted by Someone

In an earlier time when the laws in universities were not rigid, the seniors or old students often oppress the juniors and newcomers. Those who were good at representation normally can complain to their parents and teachers but those who are not, naturally find themselves in trauma.

The point is these people often bullied or dominated by powerful ones because of lack of raising their voice they make themselves a slave which destroys their soul and feels humiliated every time.

Indeed, expressions are very valuable for healthy communication but it’s also not logical that we judge somebody just by looking at them, like the cover of the book. Unlike we make false speculations following their personalities.

In the final Words

There is a lot to talk about over unexpressive people but as I said not everyone can have the same personality. But it’s also true that communicating expression plays a vital role but there are many areas, where we need to think for the community which lacks in expressing themselves for instance,

In relationships rather than looking for an expression of your partner, we should look at their genuine soul and should focus on building a strong understanding. We should not have to infer his/her if they fail in expressing themselves. This will make the relationship weaker and misunderstandings between the two will rise

Also, if you are dominated by someone you should raise your voice against him rather than keeping silent and crying alone. A bit of daring could stimulate you in reviving the confidence and moving on.

Writing is surely a great way of communication for those who aren’t good at expressing emotions. But they are more reserved and thoughtful, and perhaps their writing can inspire plenty of people. Writing is a great way to get your voice out there without even actually saying it.

Related Post:- Why you should Write?

You can also write your feelings in a diary or just talk with close & trusted ones whenever you feel depressed. Diary writing or blog writing will help you in expressing yourself. Also, if you are looking for interacting with people on any topic you can visit Roundtable. Here you can present your opinion or can reply to others in a very simple way.

So, what are your thoughts about Inarticulate or inexpressive people? Any stereotype you have? I think we all surely have at least that one person in our life. We would like to know here in the comment.

Something to say, like ‘Hello’? Mail us at- Namaskar@theblogera.com

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