What exactly is self-discovery? I’ve been thinking about it a lot for the past few days. And I began to question myself – Why I was chasing those external validations? Why I was seeking happiness in fleeting moments, and ignoring the gentle whispers of my heart? I’ve always believed in being governed by society’s laws, the customs, following what ‘they’ are telling me, that would bring me happiness.

But what truly is happiness? Who decides it?

Recently, I made the most important discovery of my career, the most important discovery of my life. The Self-discovery.

Self-Discovery – those two words can conjure up images of mountaintops or long retreats to a yoga ashram (which, don’t get me wrong, can be fantastic experiences). But for most of us, the truth is a little messier.

I believe we all have this inherent goodness within us, just waiting to be unearthed. Maybe it’s a passion for helping others, creativity, or even a wicked sense of humor.

Now, I’m no self-discovery guru, but at least I’m beginning to realise self-discovery isn’t about finding some hidden treasure or becoming a superhero (though that would be cool). It’s more about understanding who you are, what makes you tick, and what makes your heart sing. It’s about truly knowing the good stuff within – the kindness, the creativity, the weirdness that makes you, you. It’s about the goodness within you.

(There was actually an incident that made me realise this, and it of course a long story that I’ll explain to you in some other blog post)

They say negativity is around every corner, which seems true when you deal with things around you. It’s internal struggles like self-doubt and anxiety or external challenges. These negativities can rob us of the peace we yearn for in life. Our lives are busy, and it’s very common to feel busted by work pressures and the complexities of relationships.

Disappointment frequently stems from the weight of societal norms and our own self-imposed standards. When we experience a sense of letdown, it’s typically due to unmet expectations. Such feelings may emerge when we measure our achievements against those of others.

The search for meaning and beauty often leads us to external sources, overshadowing the incredible richness within our own hearts. Each one of us carries unique and wonderful qualities that make us special yet these treasurers often go unnoticed.

The Beauty Of Goodness

There’s a special beauty in the goodness you discover within yourself. It’s like finding a hidden gem. A strength you never knew you possessed. Sharing this goodness with the world, whether through a random act of kindness, a helping hand, or simply a goofy grin, makes the world a brighter place.

Imagine goodness as a source of light that shines from within. When we act with kindness, empathy, and generosity, this light illuminates not just ourselves, but also those around us. And you know what, I assure you this happens, I’ve lived those moments recently.

It’s a beautiful ripple effect, and you’re the pebble that starts it all.

If you’ve watched The Hobbits by J.R.R. Tolkien, remember what Gandalf said?

Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. It is the small things, everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Simple acts of kindness and love.


And as I’m talking about Self-Discovery and the beauty of goodness, I think I should share these beautiful lines that we posted around 4 years ago 🙂

Life is strange, isn't it?

You wake up every day not knowing what's in store

You go to sleep only to journey yet again.

Our universe is so vast and yet it is so detailed. Everything has a story including you.

You may not be the first person to exist, you definitely won't be the last.

But you are the only you that exists.

You're unique from everyone else in your own special way.

Life is a journey

You will hit many bumps along the way. But you'll keep moving on.

As cheesy as it sounds it's not the destination that matters, it's the journey

That's what makes life so wonderful.

The good and bad moments we go through

The people we meet

The places we go, and the goals we accomplish

It shows how incredible we can be and what we can do if we keep pushing on

If we keep on living

If you keep being you

So life may be strange but it's also very beautiful and you are part of it.

So live your life the way you want to

Do what you wanna do

Be who you wanna be

Just be you and never stop being you

So don't cry, keep pushing on

And smile for all the universe to see

I wish you the best on your journey through this strange thing which we call Life

I haven’t posted for so long and it feels good to be back, to again interacting with you all 🙂

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