Guest post By- Faye Roots

I am now in my 78th year of life and one thing I do KNOW.     

(Apart from what I know in the sense of acquired education and accumulated head Knowledge)

I know in myself, I am not wise. Nor at times have I, or do I still make wise decisions. I have often made sensible, non-harming, practical decisions but not, in thinking back, did I use wisdom in carrying out my learned behavioral responses?  

I have come to understand that only a source wiser than myself could ever enable me to use wisdom in my decision-making in this world of so much that appears to be ‘helpful’ but often is deceptive. 

Out of the Wisdom of the ancient Greeks, Romans have come philosophical, theological, anecdotal writings found in many books. 

A search for wisdom

I love books. I love all forms of creativity. I appreciate ALL who write, act, paint, or live to improve the lives of others and not simply for self-magnification. 

Throughout history during all the gains in humanity’s life improvements there remains still suffering, neglect, grief, pain, and loss. 

Human cruelty selfishness and greed still rises. No wisdom in politics or man-devised scientific knowledge of the human condition has wiped this out.  

This world is comprised of humanity as diverse as pebbles on a beach. We all share one certainty one day all our physical will be gone. Colour Race, Belief, all gone.  

If there is a place for human souls/spirits to journey where race, color ethnicity, and opinions do not matter we need a pearl of higher wisdom. 

We need a Divine or ‘higher’ level to guide and teach us.

Is this possible? Could this ever be?

If Wisdom is a Spirit- and many, tribal people like Americans, Indians, and folks throughout the Islands of the sea and in the Andes, Africa, etc searched the heavens for Manitoba (lake Manitoba “the narrows of the great spirit”), The Serpent Spirit, even the Dragon Spirit. Today the search for ‘The Spirit’ goes on in many cultural forms and practices. 

What if there is ONE DIVINE SPIRIT of WISDOM?

How could frail humanity ever tap into this source?

There would need to be a bridge.     

Has a bridge already been built to join us all together?

Something to think about. 

Can insignificant little beings like you and I tap into a Divine SOURCE? 

A thought to Challenge?

About Guest Author– Faye Roots- Senior, Grandmother, married 50 years, Writer, Creative Christian. Appreciative of all diversities of culture and creative expressions which speak into the best of the human condition.

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