Post By – Faye Roots

I love my Comfort Zone – It is my home. The hub of my personal universe. From here I find contentment and peace. During the Covid Lockdown, my isolation was right here in my comfort zone which is rural and naturally isolated.

Leaving comfort zones
Breakfast View

An unexpected operation in 2022 forced me to leave this comfort zone – in the middle of a flood -and the life lessons I learned even in hospital during covid taught me so much and caused me to gain further insights into the lives of ‘others’. A valuable learning curve as a senior writer.

The first challenge to me came in 1999. I was asked to join a small group going to China on a Mercy Mission. There were nurses, a doctor, a physiotherapist, an interpreter from the U.S. a Red Cross aid lady, and myself.

My main job was to be a sort of Grandmother figure to a group of abandoned children rescued from the streets by an elderly peasant couple and hidden in an alley. I wore a huge hat with a sunflower on it and wore a glove puppet in my hand.

This journey out of my comfort zone changed my life forever. It gave me a love for the people of this world and in 2022 my memoir Shafts of Gold will tell the stories of what can indeed happen if we do not choose to leave our comfort zone but fiercely guard and value what is our space in life but let life callings and circumstances take us where the life around us is being lived.

I should conclude here by stating that now, I know I am a committed Christion and a believer in the savior my journeys out of comfort to Cancer wards as a breast cancer patient, and all the trips, etc that I did not choose to make have indeed given me love beyond expression for all people everywhere.

My writing comfort zone must be always about hope. I can write other genres but refuse to journey out of my comfort zone as a writer. My Blog Passionate Creative Christian is where my writing life comfort settles while HOME remains my personal link to Family and personal happiness.

Let’s all go on and protect our different and valuable lives.

About the AuthorFaye Roots – A passionate almost octogenarian who loves to write in all genres but is now limited to what is always about HOPE and ‘better’, particularly in Children’s stories.

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