Humans are weird. I know, it’s been said a lot in the existence of human beings, but it’s true. We’re one of the strangest creatures on this tiny little planet called Earth. There are so many things that make us weird and hard to understand by other species (and maybe even by each other).

There are so many things that make us humans weird. If aliens would ever visit the planet, they’ll be surprised to find how weird our behavior and actions are — which is nothing less than revelatory for any alien who might happen upon this earth and be watching as humans go about their day.

humans are weird

But, what is it that makes us uncanny, or is it even good for us? There are a lot of questions about our behaviors and actions, however, one thing is clear we are indeed weird. Do you want to see how? Let’s see.

1. We do things that we know are wrong

Yes, that’s the weirdest thing we ever do. Let’s take a smoker, they are of course aware of the fact that ‘Smoking is injurious to health’, but still they are willing to smoke.

The same thing goes for procrastination, gambling, binge eating, and millions of other things. Despite the abundance of awareness, we behave like a boss. Why are we like that? Why we can’t just understand that it is wrong? Maybe we like ‘adventure’ or maybe it’s just a weird habit that would never go away.

2. We believe what we’re told

Don’t you ever think we are just copying & pasting things from generation to generation? We believe everything that we’re told or heard. Let’s say proverbs and idioms that you’ve heard often, what if I told you that they aren’t universal and you shouldn’t use them?

I mean something that applies to someone might not necessarily apply to you as well. For example, there’s a saying that “A good beginning makes a good ending”, but then there is a counter saying “There’s always a calm before the storm”. We all are unique, and at different stages of life, but our fellow humans are going to advise a thing that works best for them.

And, it is just one example, there are thousands of others. If you want to know more, check out this blog.

Related Post: Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Trust Proverbs & Sayings

3. We blame each other

blaming meme

Blaming each other is something that humans often do to make themselves feel better. We don’t want to take responsibility for our own actions, so we point the finger at someone else. But does this really make us feel better?

4. There is a major shift between our words and action

This weirdness needs no introduction. There was, is, and will always be a gap between what we say and what we do. It’s a crucial trait that makes humans weirder than any other species on this planet.

Freedom of expression meme

5. We lie

Every human lies then and there, and, I’d be lying if I say I know why. Lies and being dishonest are the easiest ways to wrap up the conversation the way we want it to.

But do you know a twist? Sometimes, it’s good to lie. Absolute honesty isn’t always the most diplomatic nor the safest form of communication with emotional beings.

Related Post: Absolute Honest Isn’t Always The Best Policy

6. We get bored

The feeling of boredom is pretty strange. Despite the fact that humans have the most privileges than any other species possibly have. Still, at times, we find ourselves getting bored. What’s stopping you? There’s a whole wide world full of stuff to do.

7. At times we are self-destructive

We use things that are limited and will end someday, yet we will not stop using them up or wasting them. We willingly destroy our environment, I mean come on! If it’s our home then why do we want to destroy it?

8. We celebrate birthdays & New Year

When you think about it, what is the point of birthdays anyway? The timeline goes straight not on a loop. Humans create the days. Humans create the calendar. And based on what we randomly created for our vantage, we are imposing significance on a particular day.

birthday celebration

The same thing goes with the New Year celebrations, the earth just revolves around the sun and that’s it. There’s every day to celebrate, so why choose one?

9. We can read and write

One of the things that make Homosapien weird is their ability to read & write. I mean, we just see a bunch of random symbols on a page and somehow it has a meaning. We invented a form of communication that is nearly impossible to understand by other living things.

10. We still don’t believe in science

People often reject science and prefer emotions and beliefs. Despite the fact that everything has scientific explanations, we are committed to what we think is true.

What if ‘Love‘ is just your DNA trying to make a new body so it can live without you.

And, what if Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity applies everywhere not just in space & time.

11. Humans can literally do anything

It’s more like our ability to dominate the planet with our genius minds. Just think how incredibly genius are we that we keep on inventing things for so long. I mean who even thought about inventing emojis?

And think about the person who discovered the milk, maybe he was doing some weird shit to the cow. But now we owe them so much.

cow meme

12. We still think the Earth is flat

Do you know how many flat earth believers are out there? There are flat-earth societies, organizations, and groups making conspiracy theories real. Flat Earth International Conferences are organized every year, and people attend them. magazines & media cover them, and articles are published on magazines and websites. This is just another example of how blinkered people are.

earth is flat meme

13. We do random things that just don’t make sense

There are crazy human things that don’t make sense, for example, you cannot use drugs in the Olympics but you can use makeup & surgery to win Miss World and beauty contests. WHY? We invented the ‘skip intro’ button on Netflix, just think about the editor who spent days making it. Is it all a waste?

14. We studied for a degree that doesn’t match our job

After college, you’re supposed to just get any job, and your degree doesn’t really matter. It’s kind of weird human behavior that we spent all those years learning about particular things but doing something completely different. The things we learn in school or college often don’t seem to prepare us for the real world.

15. Humans are hypocrites

Hypocrisy might be a part of human nature, because whatever you do, whatever you say, there are always exceptions. For example, if you kill a cockroach you are a hero. If you kill a butterfly you are bad. Morality has aesthetic standards. Is it a human flaw?

16. We are super awkward, but that’s awesome

awkward situation

We all did something cringy at some point in our lives that made us the spotlight. But you know what? Being socially awkward can be awesome. Yes, it’s one of the weird human traits that I embrace because awkwardness is something that makes you better as a human.

Therefore, you shouldn’t worry, being different is being awesome.

Related Post: The Awesomeness of Being Socially Awkward

Now you know how weird we are and how weird I am for pointing this out. But, I would appreciate it if you too point out things that make us weird.

This way you can prove my point and make your place in ‘Weird Humans’ of this tiny plant.

However, here’s something that’ll make you feel better – You know, We’re lucky to be a part of this species. And it’s also very special to see how humans evolved since time immemorial. We are such unique creatures and have been doing so many things that make us so different from other animals in the past.

Differentness can inspire people and give them something to strive for and that makes the world more interesting than if everyone was exactly the same.

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