When it feels scary to jump, that’s exactly where you jump. That’s how you move forward conquering the fear you have been carrying for ages. The same goes when you choose to go for something new in your hectic life.

We, humans, are beings of habits. We choose to find comfort in every possible situation we are currently in. Despite being lazy we adore the adventure of finding something more, starting something new that is missing in our present.

But that feeling and dynamism are naturally accompanied by fear, vulnerability, and uncertainties. Anytime you start something new, there’s always a level of vulnerability with it because you are representing yourself to the world and you can be judged so easily, especially if that thing is somewhat unique and related to creativity that hasn’t been done before.

We are all dreamers. We long to know what is just around the next bend. We constantly strive for freshness from our groundhog days. We love thinking about the infinite things we can do with our life. But woefully that is immediately crushed by our fear.

In scientific terms, it might be Neophobia, which is the fear of new things. Or, it might be the fear of expectations, when your expectations with you clash with your imaginary world’s expectations.

But that’s a false expectation because the world doesn’t know what you’re going to do.

When you start something new

Regardless of age, that fear can have a serious impact on your daily life. The life-changing decisions are adversely impacted. To truly succeed or fail, it is necessary to take a risk. The refusal to give you a chance to do something different or to try something new or just present your idea or whatever is the refusal of taking that one crucial step.

What happens when you start something new? You possibly have a lot of questions about what you’re going to do and what others will think about it. Right?

What do you suppose the world wants? A uniqueness? A brilliant idea? Think like this, if it’s coming from you, it’s already unique. There might be some unique ideas seated deeply inside you that you have been thinking about constantly but keep postponing, never executing, and working on.

And you keep sticking with your everyday life which is kinda boring as your daily routines remain uninterrupted for several weeks and days, which makes you even more stressed.

So, it would be better if you execute what you’re thinking for a while now.

Variation is what you need to keep exploring more of yourself. Who knows the best of you is yet to come, but you are completely unaware blindfolded by fear, and ignore the possibilities of what the future holds.

Still not convinced? Let me dive a little deeper

You often heard and that is what people say in general, “Hey! Don’t lose hope, you definitely have some hidden talents that you must recognize” and other things like “you must do self-analysis and should know your potential”

It sounds super motivating. But on the flip side, some questions remained unanswered- How are we supposed to know our hidden talent? How to identify and pull out that inner features?

The finest answer lies in is to start something new and trying different. That’s how you’ll find what you can do much more easily and happily. If you cease yourself with an excuse that you don’t belong here because you have never been here, you are not doing justice to yourself.

Your first step convinces you to take the second step and then the second to the third step and this goes on and on.

If that ‘hidden talent’ doesn’t come out easily, you need to figure it out. As it is said, straightforwardness with straightforwardness, crookedness with crookedness.

The other thing that sets in is the feeling of Impostor Syndrome

Surprisingly most people have experienced the feeling of self-doubt, the feeling that they are here on this level just because of that dumb luck.

Impostor syndrome or what psychologists often call, the Impostor phenomenon, is the feeling in which you doubt your skills and have an inner experience that you are not as good & competent as others are. The idea that you’ve only succeeded due to luck, and not because of your talent or qualifications.

These thoughts also stop you take new steps.

We live the possibility of success to others because we don’t seem to ourselves to be competitive and deserving with people around us. We are quickly convinced that we are nothing but Impostors.

It’s like we see our bloopers reel and others’ highlights reel.

It ceases you to try something new in your daily life since it feels easier, simply not to try.

Though I agree, trying something different requires a bit of courage and a bit of luck. You might have questions and some agitation that try to manipulate your mind to call it a day. But as I said that the first step you take, convinces the second step.

when you start something new

It’s like trial and error. It’s possible you may fail several times but at least you’ll find that comfort you are missing presently.

No doubt life is messed up and gets even more complicated at the worst of times, but it doesn’t mean you simply get yourself lost in the wide opening, keep trying different aspects, it’s the only way.

It’s the only way to make every new year a special one.

So, What do you think? Is there anything that you’ve been thinking to do for a while but unfortunately keep postponing? Let us know down below.

Our Mailing Address is Namaskar@theblogera.com

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