Oh, Mondays. The day that everyone dreads. The day that makes people groan and complain. But why, you may ask? Well, let me tell you, there are so many reasons to hate Mondays.

First of all, if you’re a corporate person, then Monday is definitely the day you want to skip from your week. This day is universally hated at work, although it has nothing to do with your love for your job, instead about that you don’t feel like working on Mondays. You want to stay relaxed after a relax on weekends.

Do You Too Have Monday Blues?

Yes, the Monday blues. What’s not to love about feeling down and uninspired on the first day of the workweek? It’s like having a constant rain cloud over your head but without the refreshing rain. Instead, you get to trudge through your day, counting down the hours until you can crawl back into bed and pretend that the week doesn’t exist.

hate Mondays - rick & carl meme

And let’s not forget the joy of having to put on your “professional” face and pretend that you’re actually happy to be there. It’s like wearing a mask but without the cool superhero powers.

I even asked my friend one Monday morning – “Why do people hate Mondays so bad?”

And he said – “Well, who wouldn’t love Mondays? It’s the start of a new week filled with endless possibilities, fresh challenges, and the opportunity to sit in traffic for hours on end. Plus, who doesn’t enjoy waking up before the sun rises, dragging themselves out of bed, and putting on their best fake smile to face the day? And how about the thrill of checking your overflowing inbox, attending endless meetings, and feeling like you’re getting nowhere fast. I mean, come on, Mondays are the best – if you’re a masochist!”

Well, that was the answer I would have never expected from him, but I think he’s kinda lost it too.

Anyway, there are hundreds of reasons on the internet why we dislike Mondays too much, but here are a few of them that I find too interesting to mention.

Reasons Why Do We Hate Mondays

1. Nobody likes to get up early

Who doesn’t even like that sweet morning sleep? Is it me or just the bed seems like you’re floating on a cloud. Waking up at the crack of dawn to start another mundane week of work or school is just the highlight of everyone’s week.

I mean, who wouldn’t want to leave their warm, cosy bed to face the drudgery of Monday morning? It’s not like we all have better things to do, like sleep in or enjoy our weekends or anything. Nope, it’s all about those early mornings. So much fun!

2. You have a lot to do this week

People hate Mondays because it marks the start of a new work week, which means they have a lot to do. After a weekend of fun and relaxation, it can be tough to switch back to work mode and face all the tasks and responsibilities waiting for them. The thought of tackling a mountain of work can be overwhelming, and it’s easy to feel demotivated and down.

3. No more Netflix and chill

After a weekend of binging on their favourite TV shows, Monday means it’s back to work and no more lounging on the couch.

4. Your boss is a real jerk

The classic “my boss is a real jerk” reason for hating Mondays. We’ve all been there, haven’t we? It’s like clockwork – as soon as Monday rolls around, you can feel your blood pressure rising as you prepare to deal with your unpleasant boss. But hey, let’s look on the bright side – at least your boss is consistent, right?

Jerk boss

5. The Monday hangover

After a weekend of indulgence, Monday is the day when we have to face the consequences of our choices and drag ourselves to work with a pounding headache.

6. The Struggle to Remember Basic Social Skills

After spending the weekend in our pyjamas binge-watching TV, Monday is the day when we have to put on real clothes and try to remember how to interact with other human beings.

7. The Monday morning Email avalanche

Monday is the day when we have to face a never-ending stream of emails that somehow accumulated over the weekend.

Well, Weekends Aren’t So Great Either!

No doubt, weekends are a great time of the week. Those 2 days when we can finally relax and unwind after a long, stressful week. But let’s be real here folks.

The weekends aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. Sure, you may be able to sleep in a bit later, but what about when your brain decides to wake you up at the crack of dawn anyway? I mean, WHY? Stupid brain.

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When your brain wakes you up at 8am on a weekend for no reason at all

And sure, you may have more time to do the things you love, but before you know it, the weekend has flown by in the blink of an eye. So yes, we hate Mondays. But let’s not forget that the weekends aren’t so great either. At least on Mondays, we have a legitimate excuse for being grumpy and unproductive.

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Why Everyday Feels the Same and How it Contributes to Our Monday Blues

Have you ever experienced a sense of deja vu, where every day seems to blend together and feel the same? It’s a common phenomenon that many of us can relate to where every day feels the same sometimes. Our routines and daily habits can make each day feel like a repeat of the one before.

And this feeling can be a major contributor to why we hate Mondays so much. After a weekend of trying to break free from our routines, we’re suddenly thrust back into the same monotonous cycle. The same commute, the same desk, the same coworkers, and the same tasks. It’s no wonder why Mondays can feel like such a drag.

So tell me now – why do we hate Mondays so much? Is it the start of a new workweek? The end of our precious weekends? The realization that we didn’t accomplish everything we set out to do last week?

Maybe it’s all of the above.

But as much as we love to complain about Mondays, let’s remember that we’re not alone in our misery. There’s a reason why “Monday Blues” is a common phrase.

But fear not, my friends. As long as we can find humor in our struggles and work to break up the monotony of our daily routines, we’ll make it through each and every Monday.

And who knows, maybe we’ll even learn to appreciate the start of a new week. (But let’s not get too ahead of ourselves, okay?)

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